Hello you Stovebolters Have a nice X-mass and a real good new year all of you. Thanks for all the good advises and nice talking. The best wishes to you all. Martinius and Fam.
Thank you ! And right back atcha Martinus and everyone across Europe and I suppose , even Neil who we had to teach some manners to once or twice (pesky Colonists we Yanks are) . I hope all here have a WONDERFUL holiday with freinds & family .
Festive drinking n fighting Ok Nate, it is the fighting season! What was that about teaching me some manners!!!!, Merry Christmas to you all from snowy England With the exception of the G*C owners that is
C'mon Neil, it's Christmas! Include those poor guys that couldn't find a pretty truck too! Watch, it's easy. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL and may Santa put chrome CHEVY grilles in all of the GMC guys' stockings! There, now that wasn't that difficult, was it? Best to all my buddies on this forum! Ken
Christmas lights gone wild! I watch this video every year! It gets me pumped up to do my lights! Enjoy! www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmgf60CI_ks
It's DONE ! I guess you forgot ; we kicked your sorry asses back to Jolley Olde Englande some years ago...... (thanx for all the uber cool LBC's & Motos tho' ) .
Thanks for the light show Ken. Merry Christmas to all and may we all enjoy family, another year of good health and AD memories.
Seasons Greetings Merry Christmas to all, Hope Santa brings all health and happiness (and the new CPP front disc brake conversion) Bill, Dawn and Katie
Now..Now you two. Its the season of good will to men. Live jollily, have a good conscience and we shall have a continual Christmas! From a slightly corrupted toast of Benjamin Franklin! After this year may we all prosper! Flashlight
Seasons greetings Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to all of you and all of your family and loved ones.
Seasonings Greetings!! Here's wishing all of you happiest of holidays and best wishes for you and your families in this and the coming year. Thank you all for your excellence!!! Bob
Jolly good show ! Indeed I do ! . Neil is like the big brother I never had , I can tease him and pretend I can kick his butt as he's too far away to reach me...... . Bangers for Christmas Brekkie ! Mmmm....... MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL . HAPPY CHANUKAH to the rest ! .
Yabbutt ; What about those poor misguided 'Brand F ' guys ? . Do we run them into the sea or let them live a bit longer ? .
Fords owners drive Chevy's too. Just how many of us have the N series Tractor? And my all time favorite truck, was my 04 White Lightening.
9N Tractors Own AND WORK ! typical Depression Era tools that are still viable in the work place 70 years later......