SWMBO loves our ol' "Red Belly". This shot was taken in Oct., 40 yrs after we first bought it and rebuilt it from the the ground up! Love the patina! Tractor paint is cool too! Ken
Wah ! The NWS sez it's going to rain on Christmas too......... . I've not been able to touch my tools nor ride my Motos..... . I'll prolly go riding in the rain to-morrow before I go daft(er) .
We may be in for some snow in the carolinas this Christmas. It will be the second time I remember seeing snow on the big day in my 38 years round here. Must be all this heat from the global warming.
Ocean Going Metropolitan I'm always amazed by folks who ask me if 'this car goes in the water.....?' Yes , but it doesn't float . The rain has stopped for to-day (they claim) so mayhap I'll actually go riding , Christmas Day of course , it is supposed to rain some more . At least my Sweet likes driving around in the deluges in my truck , she says it's big & safe ~ how little she knows but getting a Woman to like riding in old trucks is no mean feat so mum's the word . (and Robert's your Father's Brother)
Merry christmas Hello, I wish you all merry christmas and a happy new year. Don't have so much snow and ice rain as here in Germany. Wolfgang
Noche Buena Is to-night for all our Latin & Hispanic friends , I called my ex wife this morning to wish her a happy one , our son will go to her house to night to celebrate with her before heading up to the High Desert for Christmas with Michelle's parents . The NWS says no rain afterall ! yippie ! . Maybe I'll be able to squeeze in a little riding . My bother want me to go over and help him change the steering column in the Hearse .