I live on pretty much the same lattitude as you, maybe a little farther north. Three winters ago I cleared brush all winter. My rule was that I would work if it was above 45 degrees F. The last 2 winters and now this one I haven't worked outside on clearing one day. I know that everyone talks about how the planet is warming up but what I see evidence of is short and long term cycles where it cools a while and warms a while but it all evens out. That is the way our life is, that is the way our earth is. Why is that so hard for people to understand?
Snow on N.C. coast We've got about 3" here on the coast.Supposed to change to rain tonite and freeze.Plenty of ice tommorow.Might be a good day work in the shop and stay off the road.
I Might have to weld a snow plow bracket on to my 47', 6 inches down and another 4-6 on the way...but hey...No Global whining from me! Maybe Evan has done one of those. We always get a little more snow up on the mountain. Flashlight
Russ, I've got your solution! Kick on the flame-throwers and melt that white stuff. I've got a mental picture of that! and it is way too cool! Humor us with a picture of that! Ken
Redbones to sled dogs Better start training those short-haired, skinny Coon-hounds to be sled dogs..Ya'll. Mine won't pull much but you'll hear'em coming a mile away. Please nobody set a coon to cross their pass, that'll sure mangle some sleds. Flashlight
Thought I was ahead last night when I shoveled the driveway. This morning I have a glacial sheet covering my driveway....can't even walk on it cause the hill is too steep!
Houston goes into the deep freeze tonight! If you can believe The Weather Channel, we're supposed to get down to 20 degrees tonight! Spent the evening covering the outdoor plants, wrapping outdoor water bibs, blah, blah, blah. I'm getting too old for this crap! My body's comfort zone has been violated! Looking forward to warmer days! Ken
Seasons Don't think I could wake up every morning to perpetual sunshine, you need the seasons to mark the passing of time, it's comforting to wake up in the uk not knowing what mother nature has in store for you today. Normally it's got rain involved as it is England after all Did you know we have something in common with the Eskimos. We have 365 words for rain over here Heavy snowfall is just the big fella upstairs saying "take a day off, work on your truck at home for once"
Most of those 365 words are 4 letter, doubtless! It also interesting to note there are 365 days in the year. Jan 1,2,3,4, maybe that's what you meant! Flashlight
It never rains in Southern california Robert!!! We were just getting into our "Pity Party", You pay plenty in taxes out there for those temps. If Ken doesn't rent your guest room I will, maybe I'll bring your tranny. Flashlight
The Land Of Sun & Fun We're certainly getting a tax drubbing out here ! . They just raised all traffic fines significantly and made some new law about license plates , they can't swing any more (old Suburbans what now ?) ,*very* rigid height rules , up as well as down , all this is a blatant attempt to balance the budget on the back of the Working Class instead of having corporations pay ANY taxes as they should . Anyways , I'll be dragging a truck load of old VW parts out to the PO-Mona Swap Meet this Sunday , in the Jimmy because it's a longbed . C U there ! . (BTW : yes it's still chilly here & I'm fighting a head cold)
Great! I love it when you have a cold!!! Get that cough medicine you used the last time....it'll get everyone all wild and crazy! Even your penmanship gets slurred. Flashlight