We had some mean inspectors on the base, I always seemed to get some greek guy with a chip on his shoulder. We GI's bought beaters for the three years we were gonna be there and just traded them off to someone just getting there when we left. I soon found that if I went to another Kaserne (German Base) there was a fellow and if he found a carton of Marlboro's and a bottle of Cook's Champagne in your trunk you got a very short inspection and passed. I looked for a 60's BMW 2002 series, none to be found because of the salt. To answer your question I think a lot of unsightly surface rust would get a redline. One day ssnow I want to PM you you about civilian travel there. But when i get closer to my trip about Overseas licenses etc. Flashlight
Hi, it depends on, where the rust holes are. Frame and structural body parts have to be sound. Normally the inspector is not allowed, to actually punch a hole in your floor or frame. He can take the screwdriver, to carefully scratch off any loose rust or undercoating, not more. And like usual, if you have good connections, that could help quit a bit Good thing is, if you fail at one place, you can take the chance and try another place. I have a very friendly guy making my inspections the last couple of years; he is very open minded, when it comes to special cars and modifications, but unfortunately his retirement is around the corner
We bought a used VW Golf when we got over there and it treated us very well. I took the easy way out and had the local VW shop take care of the inspection. It was a great car, and would cruise nicely at 130-140 kph. Flashlight, I'd be happy to chat about travel.
Get in the game Man Earth to Wolf! We paid him to Take the GMC out of the country! You know I always felt a kinship to the Bavarians, the rest of the Germans make fun of them because they are the Mountain Folk of Germany. Kinda like us Hillbilly's in the south.They make good beer and Schnapp's too. Schnapp's is made out of anything that will ferment from Cherry, apples and Pears . Flashlight
somethins fermented Wolf, don't worry, sounds like he is talking more about 'soured grapes' than anything else. I'm with ya. Us GMCers gotta stick together ALL around the Earth!
Didn´t know, that i get paid for removing rusty metal in form off an old truck... Can you please send the bucks to my paypal account? Once it´s in, i´ll send you guys a bottle of Schnaps, called Enzian. It tastes like soil and is made out of a "flower´s" root. Never mind the other Germans, we don´t care too much about them, as: -we have the better beer/Schnaps -the faster and better cars -lot´s of castles and huge mountains -less unemployment and if other federal states need more money, all of a sudden, they know, where to ask for it BTW: I´ll agree, GMC`lers stick together, and maybe one day, take this place over
A Bavarian friend of mine tends to refer to anyone from farther north than Wuerzburg as a "Bloody Saxon". Unfortunately for him he is now working in Hamburg. Bavarians more than most people really seem to get a lot of joy out of life. There is nothing quite like seeing a game of cards being played at the Stammtisch (a table reserved for locals) in a rural restaurant.
Oh flashlight, you know deep down you just would love to see a long long long motor behind a truely classy grill No need to fight it, just except it Zig will see all this GMC manly truck support and just love it!!! Elky and Gipsy! Im all with ya! Gotta love that manly classy grill!!! True trucks are GMC
Dental inplant? The envey, not, the relief yes, of not having to drive in something which looks like it could pick corn through a picket fence. If the g owners would be nice enough to take them to the dentist to get a set of braces it might help that buck teef problem.
Yesterday, the frame got the second layer of Rostegal paint. Now it´s good, to leave it alone a few days, to allow to dry, as the workshop is around +5°C,which equals to 41°F. Today i might build a kind of trolly, to move the box around the workshop. And also waiting for the first parts order from our host
Nice rig you have with a lot of potensials. Elky67 Hey man how are doing ? I am positiv shore that there is a nice bierstube and restaurant down in your Valley owned by a couple with Norwegian background, at least the wife is. I wonder if they are still running the place ? Dont remember the name of the restaurant though ? We have the same season conditions up here , only 6 months of real driving weather. But as we are used to that , it does`nt really matter! Welcome aboard ,greatings from Norway.
Nice work ! AND steam heat in the shop ~ how can a steam heated garage possibly be so cold ? . I can't wait to see how this rig turns out . I do hope you're keeing the loverly l o n g motor in there....
Nate, you´re a good spotter, but at the moment the heating is just for show, as my brother in law is responsible for my central heating system; and as you might know with relatives, who have to work for you on weekends What do you think about this motor? I´m not really familiar with this engine, but hopefully it´s good to be saved, as i don´t plan to swap this for a V8 at the moment. My first goal is, to get it technically fit and roadworthy for this year, which includes a disc brake and booster upgrade for the front, since this is my wife´s toy truck and she likes those easy to hit modern brakes Are you familiar with the hydramatic also? The seller said, it´s been reconditioned and a spare tranny was laying in the box... Thanks anyway for every support here! Hi Blueflame, i´m glad, i found this site, due to so many different forums in the www. I´m doing really good, as with every new toy,one has. This one is a good brake between renovating my house the last couple of years. I told the wife, i´m sick of plaster boarding and anything related to overhaulin´the old "shed". I need some wrenches between my fingers again...
Awesome pics!!! And I love your signature GMC!!! That motor you have there should be the amazing 228. Unless it was built in Canada. That 228 is the ENVY of all chevy guys. This is why they pick on us manly GMC guys' trucks. They are extremely jealous of that motor. Ours has a full pressure oiling system, the Chevy just splashes around. Ours has 7 main caps!!! Nate and others know more about it then I do. And if I'm wrong please correct me. That 228 with the zenith carb makes great power. I have loaded the bed up with a lot of things and a lot of weight and it has just hummed right along! Cool pics thanks!!!
Wolf, A trailer queen is one that has never been to an event or show without being shipped via a trailer be it open or boxed or even really driven anywhere but on a Vacuumed or carpeted driveway. Yours is more along the line of a Working Mammoth Jack/Ardennes mix with an overbite. Unlike the Heavy Belgium’s the Chevy's were modeled after the True Work Horse.