I'm shocked no one has mentioned the superbowl yet, I got some warm ones and some goldfish lined up for a late night! Who should I be shouting for?
The best line I've heard on this subject was where a Packer and Steeler supporter were being interviewed and though each wanted their team to win they said the thing that made them feel the best was knowing that someone was going to take the Lombardy Trophy away from the home of Jerry Jones' team, Taj Mahal, and over inflated ego.
Doesn't matter! By half-time I'm warm and happy all over. Just waiting for the Budweiser Commercials. Any word on costume mal-functions this year? Flashlight
Cold beer ! We don't have LUCAS refrigerators....... . Sorry Neil , you know I just HAD to say it . .
Super Bowl Sunday I put SWMBO in the truck and drove it around all day enjoying the sunshine and sound of the 292 C.I.D. InLine 6 Banger doing it's thing up & down hills..... I just tuned it yesterdiddy and it's purring like a '62 Jaguar .
Let's get this thread back to old trucks. Anyone else notice this during the Camaro commercial during the game?
yeah You would have thought they'd have swept all the cr*p off the streets before filming the Camero. another victim of the recession, dirty streets
After looking on the net for it, it was a Chevy without the overbite the G has and it has the Serial # stamped in many places because Chevy's get stolen because they are wanted and the G's don't have the #'s on them.
Hey ! I drive right past there most every day...... Downtown L.A. The potholes musta shaken the headlight door off....... .
?? Not Even A MK11 ? . Oh , alright but you know what I mean , InLine long stroke 6 Banger sans muffler doing it's thing , I tried not to scare SWMBO too much but it runs *SO* sweet now...... . If this engine had three carbies or fuel injection , I'd prolly kill it in short order