I'm supposed to hit the road in my Bowtie 292 C.I.D. powered GMC for Oregon........ I've been looking at rthe cameras on Oregon DOT Trip Check , it's been cold and prolly will be snowy to boot . We'll see , I'm not keen on driving in the snow .
Oregon Where ? Oregon where ? Are you going alone on your trip and how many miles is the trip from Cal. to where your heading ? Yes your heading for mountain territory , take your snowshufle , chains or snowtire socks with you and load some extra weight in the back of your truck. Have a nice trip and take care. Picture from you in Oregon would have been fun. Martinius.
Don't forget the old farmer trick of filling the bed with SNOW-adds weight and you don't have to shovel it out when it warms up! Pull a Tom Sawyer and bet a couple of kids that they can't fill it in under 5 minutes.
When snow skiing in Hawaii (yes it can be done - it is on my bucket list - I want the T-shirt) my buddies Sylvia and Kirk have been known to fill the back of a pickup truck with snow after the last run of the day, put a tarp over it and haul a$$ for the beach (almost 14,000 feet lower and probably at least an hour trip). Then shovel the snow out of the back of the truck and build a small snow man. Freaks out the tourists.
Nate Have a safe trip buddy, take some pics for the forum (preferably from inside the G*C looking OUT)
Vise Versa Brit, you got confused, we´d rather have some pix, with Nate, pulling a broken down Chebby, up a step and snowy road, without even having chains @Nate, take care and say hello, to my trucks old home, when you pass through Salem.
Protection Charles, yes the avatar is my ride,why? To bright a bit of light into this confusing story about the niceGMC grill, i tell you why this has to be like that: The little extra sheet metal you´re referring to, is there, to protect this lovingly looooong GMC motor from being damaged, when one of these nice and rare trucks come swiftly around a corner, and bump into a broken down chevy This way, you just back up and off you go, wavin´and smilin´.... Just being stupid, i know, i´d better carry on welding
Elky, I notice you did not make comment on your statements about the 292 Chevy Engine again. And sooner or later you will be finding a way to if not pull the front of that truck past the outreach of the buck tooth, weld something to cover its look up. One of the reasons I asked about if the avatar was it a photo of your truck and to make sure it was a Buck tooth version that took 9 years for the G designers to get away from. If you look at the first G pickup of 1936 or the others of 1939, 1957, 1963, and Nates truck you see great looking trucks. Remembering 1927 when G started using a Buick engine to run the trucks. But, if the G wasasgreat as professed in your captions “ GMC-dare to be different “ , why are you changing your G back to its roots ? , a Chevy. https://talk.classicparts.com/showthread.php?t=13849 Right caliper Cardone 18-4045 for '71-'84 Chevy 1/2 ton 4 wheel drive. Left caliper Cardone 18-4046 for '71-'84 Chevy 1/2 ton 4 wheel drive. Brake Pads Wagner PD-52 for '71-'84 Chevy 1/2 ton 4 wheel drive. Rotors (2 needed) SB-81-60413 for '71-'84 Chevy 1/2 ton 4 wheel drive. Wheel studs (12 needed) Dorman 610-179 7/16"x20 thread, 1.75" length. Grease seal (2 needed) National (Federal-Mogul) 6064 (stock for the Chevy/GMC hub. ??????
Boy~ and I thought brit had GMC envy! Can't wait to get mine back together so I can take more pictures of the MANLY grille you DON'T have! ;^)
Martinius, while you are in Salem take a short trip up to McMinville and check out the Spruce Goose, Howard Hughes' huge "flying boat". The museum has many other great exhibits as well. http://www.evergreenmuseum.org
Back home ! Well ; I won't bore you alls with the insanely crazy 5 hour bus ride through the very worst parts of South Central L.A. Thursday (Imperial Courts & Jordan Downs Projects etc. , etc.) but , I hit the road Friday @ 0Dark:30 , about 04;15 and soon was hauling a$$ up The Grapevine Hill & passing Semis like they were , uh Brand 'F's' I guess . Once past Fresno I got bored (the 34 year old beat to crap BOWTIE POWERED GMC work truck of course ; whizzed along *perfectly*) and got off the Interstate & headed up The Central Valley via a network of two lane " Blue Roads " , it rained off and on the whole way and one town's central road had 2" of mud on it washed in from the flooded fields , in due time I arrived in Fremont to visit an old friend and spend the night , about midnight it began to SNOW in San Fransisco so I bailed out and came back this morning , it began snowing on The Grapevine just as I headed up it , glad I made it O.K. , traffic is a total mess up there now . I was , hands down the oldest truck on the road the entire time ~ it used to be I'd see older trucks doing Yeoman Duty out in the sticks or show queens going out to dinner but not in this nasty rainy weather . Of course , my big fugly orange GMC didn't really care a bit , it soldiered on at 55 ~ 60 MPH and didn't slow down for the hills unless _I_ let off the 1/3 throttle it needed to whiz over the steepest of them . Lots of fun , I munched & waved at folks who for some reason seemed surprised to see and old guy far from home working his rig . The Brand 'F' guys , well , they were crying of course ,they just can't stand being shown up by a $700 beater truck with flat original paint . I'll keep an eye on the weather and maybe it'll dry out in a couple weeks and I'll give it a go again . If I can find a cheap old pickup bed trailer , maybe I'll drive the old Hearse next time.....
Glad you decided to come back when you did! Sounds like waiting out the rainy season would be a good idea.
Moore of this and yes i will ! Great suggestion I love museums and old airoplains, reminds me of the first one ever made by Leonardo Davinci . Do you live nearby salem ? Martinius. http://www.lairweb.org.nz/leonardo/ornithopters.html
@Nate... Take care buddy. I live in Eugene Or and other then the Mountain, you shouldn't have any trouble coming up the Valley, if you're heading to Eastern Or... that's another story. Still new to the forum, but it's neat to see you all bickering back and forth.
Hi Martinus, Nope, due to a lack of foresight I got in a business that pretty much keeps me on the east coast (Maryland). I grew up in Washington State and plan on returning there when I retire. My sister lives in McMinnville and that is actually where my truck is. My nephew was going to be doing most of the work on it, but now that he is engaged I suspect I'll have a lot to do when I move out there. Anyway, both Mt. Hood and the Pacific coast beaches are also day trips from Salem. Steve