I'm not a betting man, but I believe photo 4 of 8 is a picture of the first major highway intersection built in the USA, in downtown Los Angeles. I used to travel regularly in that scene as a lad. What say Nate - do you recognize the hood?
i think you might be right... If you look to the far right and lower center where that exit is, i think you can just make out Nate checking the oil under the hood of that old Buick at the station. And then Larry, is that you making faces out the back of that school bus? I could be wrong.
You Win ! I'm not a betting man, but I believe photo 4 of 8 is a picture of the first major highway intersection built in the USA, in downtown Los Angeles. I used to travel regularly in that scene as a lad. What say Nate - do you recognize the hood? Larry This picture is taken on the 101 Hollywood Freeway facing South , the interchange you see is the Pasadena Parkway , now I-110 . The tall skinny building is the L.A. City Hall , built in 1929 and still standing and in use . the ugly dark squatty building is the old Central Jail , also still standing but not used for many years now . It's interesting to see the open space & grass where not the main D.W.P. building stands.... I LOVE these old pictures , they take me back to my youth , when I were a lad I never understood why everyone else wasn't all agog about all those WONDERFUL vehicles , they insisted they were just ' old cars ' ~ I wasn't terribly impressed by the new ones in the early 1960's .
I thought I recognized the City Hall phallic (some of you might have seen it on Dragnet) but no smog and the light traffic had me wondering if it could have really been that nice back in the 50's.
In 54 and 55 it was so dam smogy that on some days it hurt my lungs if we played really hard. It may have been clear on days the wind was blowning the snog out to sea or into the deserts. But I believe in the San Fernando Valley they outlawed burning trash about 1956. Back then Dad had one of those 40 G that I really liked, looked like this one somewhat but his being blue. He later bought the 52 3100.
' Smog Town' Is what it's been called by truckers since the 1930's..... . Yes , it was occasionally clear but only occasionally . In winter , near the Holidays it always cleared out . When I had my shop in Pasadena in the early 1970's , the San Gabriel Mountains were only 12 miles away but I could only see them a few days each month... Taking a deep breath whilst hauling a Mubnccie SM420 up onto the bench , made my lungs hurt like I'd been stabbed with a knife . not fun .
This is 1947 that my grandfather bought brand new at the end of 1946, he owned a lumber yard and used the truck pick up and deliver material. He was able to get it a couple months before the "new" AD models came out, his cousin was a salesman at the dealership and was able to pull some stings to get it for him before their scheduled release. It was a big hit with the locals because there was no other one like it
Now wait just a DING DANG MINUTE! Didn't Ken already have a picture just like this (kind of) ??? I think ya'all are passing around the same picture of a Chevy with a big load on it just to try and keep up with all the GMC "working truck" pictures!
Oh oh! I'd have been fired for saying "gas station". I was told in a very severe tone, "This is a SERVICE station!"
Beautiful! Interesting use of wire spoke wheels! Adds a touch a class to an awesome body style. Steel wheels were standard, wire spoke, not an option! Still way cool!
I got it! The last picture is how the dead come back to life, right? "What?!?! They're gonna stick me in a GMC????" I'm all better now!!!!
Thanks, brother! I was trying to say that GMC trucks were "manly". If Clint Eastwood's endorsement isn't enough... I'm starting to get a warm and "fuzzy" feeling all of a sudden...
That is what is concidered the waterfall Grille Nate was looking for in the old photos. But, Not visiting the Dentist only brings on more the finders have to be pulled forward as the photo below indicates.