Time Flies It surely does , try to remember that when you're changing diapers @ 0-Dark:30 and haven't slept in three days.... . All too soon it'll be 31 + years later and your Baby Boy slides out from underneath a garbage truck & gives you a ring just to say " hullo " Maybe he'll grow up to be a Good boy and not repeat the same error you made . (I couldn't resist) .
Wolf, I also believe kids are a blessing from God. I fooled around and didnt have kids till I was in my early 30's. Didnt want to be tied down ya know. What a fool I was! I know have 2 my daughter is 24 and my son is 20. WOW what a ride it has been! Please enjoy every minute you can with them. You blink twice and turn around once and they are all grown up. They both drive Chevy trucks so I must have rubbed off on them some what. My son usually has time to go with me to our local car show with me on Saturday nights. My daughter sometimes. So congrats and enjoy it will be great!!! Jim
Well this is awesome, we have 7 kids, 5 grandkids, 4 son-in-laws so far and I can echo the comments that parenting is one of life's greatest joys. My youngest son (19) just finished automoteve tech school and is about to finish auto body school. He will come in the garage and see what 'dad" is up to. He coaches me / gives me advice. I love the tiems we spend together in the garage in a bit of a reversed role. Enjoy!
Thanks for all the kind words and advice guys!!! I can't wait for the day my son will teach me things. But I don't want the rest of the time to go by too fast either. Its still hard to wrap my mind around how much things have changed already even since I have graduated highschool and college. Time has just flew by! And it sure isn't slowing down anytime soon. It seems just as friday is here i start the week again and the next thing i know its friday again.
Just So ! This is why I'm always nattering on about taking it slow , don't put in a V-ate etc.~ I had my son very young and I am very lucky I took him along on the jobs etc. as I *blinked* and he was all grown up and moved out of my little termite farm in The Ghetto... . So, remember : even the dirty diapers will be precious memories before you know it .
Ha Ha!!! CON GRAT U LA TIONS You are now officially an OLD FART! That's what happens when you become an old fart. Time starts cranking it up. Soon those weeks will become years that fly by. Being a good dad will be your total focus through all this, ifin I know you like I think I do. Like I say, Brian. Just wait until you are holding your son in your *hands* as your wife lays next to you. You love God, I know. If that moment doesn't bring you to your knees, nothing will.
Stock up on Super glue. How are you at puzzles? I had to reassemble a smashed remote control micro car that got trodden upon last night. Dad must be able to fix damn near everything, or make up a credible story about the failed attempt to stop tears.
If you are going to buy super glue use loctite brand, they invented it. Always take the package at the back because the jobbers place the oldest forwarded. If not able to get loctite use http://www.caglue.com/, they are the next best. At room temp the glue only has a 6mo. life avg., by putting it in the frig., the life is about a year and if you keep it in the freezer it will keep almost forever.
Thats too funny about the super glue. I remember the look on my dad's face when he came home and I had a lawnboy mower torn apart. He hasn't too mad, he had mentioned something to me a few days before that, that he was going to haul it off, because it didn't work. So i figured i would see how it all worked. I think i was 8 or so. He just laughed when he saw me all covered in grease and a pile of parts laying there. Paul I can't wait to meet him! It will be so much fun to be with my wife and him!!
Congrats to you and your wife Brian.Having watched 2 children and 4 grandchildren grow up ( youngest is 16 ), I have to agree with Brit about the rollercoaster ride. But in the end it is worth all the ups and downs.They may not always see eye to eye with you but one day when you least expect it they will swallow their pride and admit that you were right,Enjoy the ride,
I find that it takes until age 25 to realize that your parents actually DID know what they were talking about. I don't know who said it, but there is a quote " when I was 16 my dad was the dumbest man on the planet. When I turned 26, I was amazed at how much he had learned in 10 years".