I want to install a dash speaker in my 1965 C10 - but cant find any pictures eg. of how and where it was installed originally. Do any of you have a picture or a drawing of how it should be installed?
http://lh4.ggpht.com/_jlNKkl-rSbc/TLOmUpiyPgI/AAAAAAAAExg/UmegyCEKamU/s512/image0.jpg http://lh5.ggpht.com/_jlNKkl-rSbc/TLOnP4dOxsI/AAAAAAAAExs/M6eRbEM0Izs/s512/image0-1.jpg Copie of the assem manual, maybe this will get you started,.
Nice job Rich. I was going to post the same illustration, but I am not smart enough to do so, I guess. Thanks for sharing.