Hey Ken I was looking at your pics of your truck It is really nice I was wondering what size vacume line and what size gas line you have running out of your carborater I baught the original clips they seem abit larger than the lines so i was wondering what were the correct size line sizes and thanks for any responces.
Don't use them!!! If you use those line sizes, your truck will be forever stuck inside your garage! (Look what happened to Ken's ~)
Cue Up The ' TWILIGHT ZONE ' theme music here....... Apparently no one has ever actually SEEN Ken's truck , just thos incredible pictures .
I wasn't going to say anything, but ... ... now that Nate has opened the door. Once again Ken came up with a lame excuse why he and his '50 couldn't attend the local Saturday night shine and show. I did run into JW54 there though. I parked next to a nice '51 3100 with a Holley 4 barrell on a Clifford manifold and split exhaust manifold. For $ale at 17K. I didn't think it was that nice.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOA!! I SAID WHOA THERE BOY!! So let me just get to the crux of it, so no one, I mean no one, has actually seen kens truck in the flesh??????? The plot thickens So he could be some foreigner who has never owned a bit of the finest tin on wheels but did take a bucket load of pics at a car show somewhere I'm shocked
My grandson would like to address this! When asked if grandpa should drive a GMC, here was his response: The more we talked about it, he did this: Has he seen grandpa's truck?: Ken
Tactics Ok guys, note how he brings out the cute kid to divert attention away from the subject!!!! Ifn he thinks we are a bunch of women who will be distracted by some adorable child wearing a hat......he does look cute though, and the pic of him with the sunglasses.....ah, real cute, I like it when kids dress up and try to look older, ha ha, reminds me of when my kids were younger, not like that now though, they never call, it's always me that calls them, it's not difficult to just pick the phone up is it.............................
The first picture is when said grandchild found out that this "truck" of grandpa's was nothing more than a cardboard cut out. Poor child~ Now you've missed TWO shows???
Oddly Enough ; That Telephone thing , it works in TWO directions...... I am so blessed with my Son ~ he calls me just to check in from time to time and Tuesday night actually called to invite me to dinner with his wife.... Sometimes I get relaxed and pass out of his sofa , he doesn't seem to mind and God knows , it's good to be close to your adult children .