Oil bath

Discussion in '1955-1959' started by Dillon Hill, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. Dillon Hill

    Dillon Hill Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    I read some where that theres a paper air filter that fits in the oil bath unit. Can't find where it was, the gave the part number and all...
    Any one have ideas?
  2. babailey

    babailey Member

    Mar 10, 2009
    My local auto parts store, O'Rileys, told me that it is the filter used on most small tractors. Unfortunately, I do not remember the part number.
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Oil Bath Air Filters

    Just wipe it out and re -fill with ATF to make it self -cleaning , every oil change dump it out and wipe the oil cup clean , re fill with fresh ATF and your engine will love you and last far longer...

    Paper air filters are cheap crap and don't filter much .
  4. Dillon Hill

    Dillon Hill Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Thanks Nate
    Looking it over I think I will keep it. On the top back of the valve cover there is what looks to me to be a breather, pcv type device, it fits in a rubber gromet thru the cover. Some one has blocked it off. Any idea what it is?
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000

    It *is* a Positive Crankcase Ventilation Device ~ they added them back in the 1970's (& ruined many Rocker Boxes by punching holes).

    You can plug it if the rockerbox or oil filler cap is vented , otherwise you must connect it or install a breather of some sort .

    FWIW , PCV Valves are a very good thing and don't reduce power or fuel economy .

    They lengthen engine life more than you can imagine .

    To add one , you need to install an elbow at the big threaded fitting in the center of the intake manifold right below the carby ~ a PCV valve needs full intake manifold vacuum to work correctly .

    Or , just get one of those cute K & N cone filters and put that on the hole .
  6. Dillon Hill

    Dillon Hill Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    The previous owner has already plugged it, does that mean this isn't the origanal cover? or was it an option in 59? Also, my wipers draw vaccume from the manifold, as well as from the fuel pump.
    It does seem like it would be a good thing to hook back up.
  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    PCV Systems

    O.K. , we're talking about a 235 , right ? .

    If so ,no ,the factory / Dealer PCV System was connected to a replacement typ of Road Draft Tube that was inverted , then a vented oil cap was fitted to allow the engine to either suck in fresh air or blow out excess crankcase pressure as necessary .

    The rockerbox MUST be vented , one way or another regardless of having a PCV System or not ~ the choice as to how , is entirely up to you .
  8. Dillon Hill

    Dillon Hill Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Yeh it's a 235, It still has the road tube.
    If I hook the pcv back up I still need a vent in the rocker box(?) OK
    As for the wipers drawing from two places, is the fuel pump suction enough to run them?
  9. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    PCV & Vacuum Wipers

    O.K. then :

    A PCV valve won't need additional rockerbox venting as it'll draw in fresh air through the road draft tube .

    If the rockerbox has no hole , just look in the gas & oil cap catalog (" Buyers Guide ") EVERY partshaus has , until you see the raised up cap with a hose nipple on it and plumb the OVC valve into that .

    They also make an oil filler cap with a hole punched in it's top , you pop a PCV Gasket into this hold and the PCV valve fits snugly into the gasket .

    The correct hose path for vacuum wipers & dual action fuel pump is : wiper motor to fuel pump , fuel pump to intake manifold .

    This way , when the engine is idling and has low fuel pump vacuum , the intake manifolds high vacuum pulls right through the pump .

    When you accellerate and the engine vacuum drops off , the pump picks up so the wipers always work fine .

    Finding and plumbing in any vacuum resivoir (if a modern round plastic one , hide it up under the dashboard) to the hose leading to the wiper motor , makes it all work even better .

    I hope this helps , remember : Ficken Wiper Service will do you right .
  10. mikebte

    mikebte Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    If you still want to run a air filter on mine a used a CA146 fram. Just go to the auto parts store and find what fits. They did not have one for mine so I measured and ordered one. The K&N E1000 is the same filter. Oil bath Is great but I did a lot of research and paper filter is just better. I kept all my oil bath part if for some resone the world takes a crud and I can no longer get paper filters.


    I have more photos if you want to see them. I also installed a PCV system on mine as well. I can show you some photos of that as well.

  11. Dillon Hill

    Dillon Hill Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Mikebte, your truck looks great! I think I'll go with Nate on the air cleaner though.
    Nate, can I "T" the suction off the intake and attch both the pcv and the wipers?
  12. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Vacuum Routing

    Real research would clearly show that oil bath air filtration beats paper or wetted cotton , hands down .

    Yes you can run the wipers off the intake manifold connection but you'll have them stalling every time you step on the accellerator pedal , this regardless of PCV Valve or not .

    This is why Dual Action fuel pumps were invented and fitted .

    As you already have the D.A.pump , why not hook it up like I suggested and enjoy perfect wipers that are dead silent ? .

    If you care to invest a few more $ , Inline Tube (dot) com sells the pre - bent steel fuel and vacuum pipes for your 235....
  13. Dillon Hill

    Dillon Hill Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Hi Nate
    You are awsome. Your'e all over this site and are so generous with your knowledge, thank you.
    As I said before, my wipers go to both the fuel pump and the manifold. I take it that the fuel pump alone is adequate?
  14. mikebte

    mikebte Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    I love the oil bath. I am a fan of the oil bath myself. But after lots and lots of hear say I did the research. Found out that GM switch due to they had engine life increase after just swaping a paper filter in the oil baths place. Later on they figured out paper was in fact cleaner. Oil bath is great but it is not the best. They also found that engine life was greater after running the PCV air intake to the air cleaner increased engine life by 40% as opposed to the valve cover air intake. I went threw a lot of old books and lots of searching to find this info. But if you ask anyone that has a oil bath witch is better they will say oil bath. I will see if I can find all the info agine so you can all have it fr your records. But there you go.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2011
  15. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Wiper Vacuum Routing

    I have answered this in detail already : here goes again : you need _BOTH_ ~ connect the wipers to the fuel pump then the fuel pump to the intake manifold , then all will work properly as neither one is adequate alone .

    I see that 7th grade physics were failed by some .

    Cheaper & easier to manufacture , doesn't mean ' better ' .
  16. mikebte

    mikebte Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    here is a good book for you to check out.
    How to Keep Your Collector Car Alive. Chapter 5.

    I see that 7th grade physics were failed by some. Its ok I understand. I can teach you if you would like.

    It was the 50's they did not make stuff cause it was cheaper.
    I got the facts to back it folks. Oil bath was for the most part better then nothing. So now that you all know. The SAE has set standereds for air filters and they must clean so good to pass. Also oil bath dose not clean dust that well. The idea of oil bath is that it makes a 180 degree bend and slams the air into the oil and they hope the heavier particals would drop into the oil.

    Oil wetted air filters such as K&N have some of the best filtration around.
    This is what is found in that book and much more. Even Math for the one who cant pass the 7th grade.

    It is best to get the book and read it for yourself.
  17. Dillon Hill

    Dillon Hill Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    I think I'll still stay with the oil bath. I was very good at math.
    Nate, I got the routing the first time you explained it, the question was, can I run both the wipers *and* pcv from the intake via a "T"?
  18. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Sorry Dillon

    Yes you can but you'd be better off running the wiper hose to the fuel pump first .

    There's even a special 'T' fitting made with one side a BIG hose nib for the PCV valve and t'other small , for the wiper hose .
  19. Dillon Hill

    Dillon Hill Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Now thats the answer! Does one of these catalogs I've been accumulating have this device?
  20. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Intake Mani. Vacuum Fitting

    I dunno but Joe (" Mothertrucker ") certainly does .

    He's honest & will sell you a used one at the right price .

    Ask for photos first so you'll know what it is you're getting .

    Look at trucks in show & shine events , i see lots of these , mostly capped off as no one knows what the big nipple was for (power brakes or PCV's) .

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