I'm new to the restoration process, but attached is a pic for ref. I need to get a new carb for my 1954 5 window chevy truck. Can someone tell me what the white device is on the left side of the carb? And what does the forum suggest as a replacement carb? I cannot find a carb that has the same white device on it. Thank for the guidance Kris
That looks like an electric choke that somebody modified to be manual. If you can locate another carb with a manual choke you should be fine...Big Tim
So it sounds like if I buy a carb like the one shown in the attachment I should be alright? Hook up the lines like the previous carb showed minus the electric choke. I dont plan on using an electric choke. Thanks
kks, Its been awhile since having a carb. like that but on my trucks those carbs. use to have a place on them to mount the choke and throttle cable. That is what you need. Good luck and HAGD!
Rochester Series 'B' Carbys Yes , that pic is thwe one and , if you can buy one spiffy & new like that , DO SO NOW before they're un available again as most are well worn , even the " rebuilts " . make sure you get one to suit your engine as the 216 carby looks the same as the 235 carby but they're not interchangable . If you look in older posts about Choke Cable , you'll find some pictures of the stamped steel bracket that's not included with new carbys , I had to buy a $5 junk one off Flea-Bay to get both the bracket and the original oil bath air filter . That white thing on your carby is a chesseball kit from Pep Boys / Western Auto typ parts stores , they used to sell lots of them , I don't know if maybe Champ items or TOMCO still has them ? . Someone will prolly give you $10 for the old carby with it attached . Be aware that these carbys tend to seep at the joint so don't get all excited when the side of the bowl gets wet with fuel ! DO NOT try to staunch the seep by cranking down the four screws ! this will warp & ruin the carby as well as making it seep more .
Thanks for the input. Now that I know what I'm looking for, and I have scoured the internet. Can anyone recommend a good place to pick one of them up?
Rebuilt Rochester Series 'B' Carbys Oddly enough , the host of this fine forum has them... cheaply too and good quality . I remind you (and everyone else) one more time : DO NOT return the core (your old carby) until the new one is on and running *perfectly* as once it's out of your hands , it's *GONE FOREVER* no matter what B.S. they say when you hand it over....
I checked 4 of the vendors who sell rebuilt carbs and Classic Parts sells the carb you want at the best price by $20 over the other 3. Jim Carter was the highest at $197, Classic Industries at $180, and Chevsofthe40's at $170. Core charges vary from $50 as a low to $150 as the high. If I needed a carb, I'd certainly buy it from our host, not only because it's the best price, but because of their excellent customer service. And it goes without saying that Nate makes a very good point when he said not to send the old carb in until that part of your project is done! Ken