Where to begin??????

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by 3/4 gmc 1952, May 17, 2011.

  1. 3/4 gmc 1952

    3/4 gmc 1952 Member

    May 16, 2011
    Claremont, NH
    Hello everyone! I am very glad to be here. I am a new guy joining this forum and a ew guy to the restoration addiction. I recently purchased a........pile of parts. It is a 1952 GMC, mostly! Cab is a 1953 Chevy but I am ok with that. I have 4 front fenders, 2 hoods, 3 doors,2 seats with frames that are serviceable, 2 gas tanks, a bunch of interior parts including window trim and 1fairly solid cab. The bed has a little rusty penetration but nothing a little patchwork won't fix and last but not least a frame that has been blasted and painted with new shocks installed. Rear end appears to be a 10 bolt but looks massive. Truck came without an engine or tranny and I am trying to decide if I want to drop in a 305 or a 350. My dad and father in law have both been hotrod guys since boyhood and are on board for a great project. My question to all of you that seem to have a wealth of experience is...WHERE DO I START??? :eek:
    I am attaching a couple of pictures to give you an idea what I am looking at and will add more as soon as the stinking rain lets up. The first one is my favorite little helper who I hope to teach how to drive on this fabulous piece of history! Thank you for all of the great threads so far. I have learned a lot already.

    Attached Files:

  2. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Do a trial fit to determine which parts fit best and see what is missing. Patch up the cab first, then build out from there. Find drivetrain and set up, then finish metal work. Check out my how to assemble thread.
  3. 3/4 gmc 1952

    3/4 gmc 1952 Member

    May 16, 2011
    Claremont, NH
    searching the threads

    THanks old chebby! I have been searching through the old threads but it is hard to find what I am looking for. I will keep at it.
  4. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Jason, Welcome to the nuthouse!

    Looks like you've got it cornered! You've got a great wrenchfetcher and a couple of gearheads for support. If it were mine, the first thing that I would do would be to study! Scrape every piece of grease off and look for serial #'s, casting #'s etc as they are the key to what you have! The rearend will have #'s that will tell you what it is and when it was built. Buy, or go online and look at reference material, especially those with lots of pictures to narrow down what you think you've got. Put a game plan together as to what YOU want when it's done. If you want original, start looking for a period correct drivetrain. If not, ask the in-law/out-laws for suggestions as to which powertrain will work best.

    Always remember 2 rules of rebuilding. Stop and Go! In that order, BTW. It is much more important to be able to stop than it ever is to go!

    Lastly, always remember that you are in charge of this project. If it gets overwhelming, walk away for a few days, clear your head and start again!

    Just my 3 cents, adjusted for inflation!

  5. 3/4 gmc 1952

    3/4 gmc 1952 Member

    May 16, 2011
    Claremont, NH
    Thanks a lot. I just ran through your assembly pictures and I am very excited. Your trucks are incredible!! I do have a qestion for you as far as the stopping part goes. I have 8 lug hubs and have been looking at replacement parts. Haven't torn anything down yet. Replacement drums are VERY pricey compared to 6 or 5 lug. I have looked at the threads about turning/not turning and wondered if you had any suggestions on swapping axles vs repairing what I've got. I would like to keep a fairly modest budget but be on the road as soon as is practical. Thanks for all of your input. I am really looking forward to the learning part as much as the doing!
  6. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Welcome aboard and enjoy your ride here.
    G you say with a Chevy Cab, cool have you thought about maybe customizing the front end a little?
    Maybe give it this look, http://www.southernmotorcompany.com/ ?
  7. spika

    spika Member

    Apr 23, 2011
    Central Montana
    Wow, that site has some NICE components shown! Afraid it is a bit out of my budget, though...don't even need to ask them to tell that. It does, however, give us that are still designing and building some ideas on things to create outselves if we can't afford to buy them!

    Welcome to our family, Jason! I'm about 3/4 of the way through a rapid build of a 52 3/4T GMC, so we've got a lot in common. Watch out for that cchar, though...he'll be tryin' to get everything that says "GMC" off of your rig and replaced with "Chevy"...
  8. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Not all G's need to see see the Dentist

    Actually not, just showing him a site that has another view, of the Chevy looking trucks regardless if they need a dentist or not and am looking for a 1940 GMC http://www.rakerscarclub.com/membercars/DonMitton1.jpg or 1936 GMC http://www.gmphotostore.com/1936-GMC-Pickup-Truck/productinfo/53217238/ anyway once I get rid of a tractor or two.

    And just so you know what a really good G looks like check out this one, http://www.flickr.com/photos/its_crabapple/5545972954/
  9. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    I have seen the Southern, it is beautiful.

  10. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Jason, WELCOME ABOARD!!!

    Looks like you have the original 3/4 ton back end still in there. If going slow with the knowledge that you have the power to pull a two story house behind you seems like fun, then you won't have to worry about keeping it in there. If you'd rather drive it on the highway, you will want to replace it. (I will be replacing mine.)
    Looks like the PO set it up for power brakes already. Probably not a bad idea. If you get it going fast, there is a l-o-t of weight to try and stop.
    You have options up front, also. If you want to have disc brakes, the cheapest way to go is to find a 1/2 ton axle to put up front, then you can buy the 5 or 6 lug disc kit. (depending on what rear end you go with.) If $$$ are no problem, there are other front ends that can be bought ready to "bolt in".
    The best thing is, you have a helper!!! You have a cute kid there that looks more than willing to help daddy!
    Good luck!
  11. 3/4 gmc 1952

    3/4 gmc 1952 Member

    May 16, 2011
    Claremont, NH
    Thanks everyone

    I appreciate all of the encouragement. I would love to have this be a regular driver. Maybe not daily but at least a couple days a week. With that in mind, what would be a good rear end to put in this? I am looking at the disc brakes & 1/2 ton axle for the front.
    That copper and black is a sharp looking ride. I have lots of ideas for paint on mine but that is a LONG way off.
    My little build buddy is very cool. I am a lucky man to have such a wonderful little buddy. I think my wife is a little jealous of the father/son relationship.
    Thanks again.
    Anyone have a source for seat riser? I have the frame and good seats but the floor of the cab is completely flat.
    Last edited: May 18, 2011
  12. 3/4 gmc 1952

    3/4 gmc 1952 Member

    May 16, 2011
    Claremont, NH
    Running motor/trans/rear end

    Hey gang, I have a line on this motor/tran/rear end set up that is running!! Any input would be great. The price is unbeatable. Here are the pics. I don't know a lot about it other than 1952 235 with 3 speed tran. Thanks again for all of the free advice. This site (i.e.all of you) is GREAT!!

    Attached Files:

  13. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Welcome jason !

    Where are you located ? (it looks like home to me) .

    That's a 1955 or newer 235 and is IMO , the very best drivetrain you can get , easy to make into an affordable daily driver or work rig , just remember it's not worth over $500 for all of it .

    There's lots of good people here who love these old trucks more than anything .

    I'm an older , Farm/Used Car / Junkyard Journeyman mechanic who grew up on these fine rigs so I like 'em more or less stock and always with the InLine 6 banger engines .

    NO question is ' stupid ' ! these good people will help you no matter how mundane the query .
  14. 3/4 gmc 1952

    3/4 gmc 1952 Member

    May 16, 2011
    Claremont, NH
    I think you just sealed the deal. $400 is what we have worked down to and I think he may go a little lower by the time all is said and done. Thanks for the input. I am in New Hampshire and there are a few guys around doing AD trucks. The guy offering this for sale is planning to turn the chassis into a race car and doesn't want the drive train. Looks like I am going 235 not 350! It should get me on the road a little faster than a big swap. I will keep you posted.
  15. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Home Again

    In the 1960's I lived in East Rindge N.H. .

    I had many pleasant memories of old Chevys in The Contogook Valley .

    I also lived in Peterboro .

    FWIW , if you offer him $150 and wait , he'll take it after a while as Hot Rodders think 235's are scrap metal and always have one or two sitting under a tarp or out behind the garage.....

    If this one has over 135 # compression per cylinder , jump on it , otherwise you know you'll be putting some $ into it so price accordingly .

    BTW : following the helpful info the folks here provide , you can make it run
    " As-New ' easily even if it only has 60 # compression & knocks badly....

    No kidding .
  16. gypsy truck

    gypsy truck Member

    Oct 2, 2007
    Florida / Illinois
    congratulations and welcome. sounds and looks like you are making some good progress fast! take lots of pictures along the way, study up on the possibilities and have a good understanding of your final product before you get too far down the road. Make it drivable first so you can enjoy it a bit while you decide how you are going to finish it off.
  17. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Warning! That looks to be a 1/2 ton drive train which will be shorter than you 3/4. It is a closed drive train which means you'll still need to do something with the gearing to get it going faster than 60 without it sounding like it will fly apart.
    The other thing is,it seems that 235 block is a bit *shorter* than the 228 long block that your GMC had. Somehow this may cause mounting problems making up the difference in overall lenght.
  18. 3/4 gmc 1952

    3/4 gmc 1952 Member

    May 16, 2011
    Claremont, NH
    I have seen some talk on another forum about the mounting being different but not very difficult to manage. Any thoughts? Can the difference in length be overcome with a different shaft? Anybody want to come to NH and walk me through it? It is a good time of year. Almost warm, never dry and the black flies are only a little hungry
  19. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Welcome! Its sure nice to have another 52 3/4 ton GMC around. Zig has looked into a lot of this swap so he does have some great ideas, as well as the other guys here too just know exactly what they are talking about!!! I wish I could be more help, but I just don't know.

    On my truck I had just about everything, so i just got it stopping and then running, tagged, titled, and now drive it a lot;) My top speed is about 50MPH. but for the stock huck brakes, that is fast enough.

    Thanks for the pics by the way. Just remember that this is a fun process, and not work, like said before just take your time and if you get frustrated, then walk away for a few, very very wise words.

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