Hey you guys and girls. Its been a while sinds i have been posting up things but i need some advice on this one ? I have installed the four speed tranny and so far so good. Its shifts and is clutching smooth with the gears at 11 o clock in neutral position. Patricks told me the neutral position had to be at one o clock but i could `nt get that done ? When i drive my truck no noice comes from the 1.st gear and reverse but driving at higher speed some resonance and a light noice apears in 2. and 3 and fourth gear position. It seems that the trembling noicy sound comes from the sidecovers left front side pointing to the torpedowall. When i had the tranny open and remanufactured it all the used gears are looking fine, the new syncrogears are fine and the bearings to. I had put a new main shaft inside wich is a shorter one then the old one to fit the short tail. Have i overlooked something or is it a comen nowing problem with the Saginaw tranny thats it is making some trembling noice? Not a wining noice I hope someone can help me out with this clue ! Martinius ?
What gears do you have in the rear end? I have the same kit but with the 3.55 gears and haven't had any noise issues (yet). The problem that I have run into is with my clutch. It is not fully engaging no matter what adjustments I make. I finally took it to the shop that did the transmission work and it has them baffled as well. They've removed the tranny and resurfaced the flywheel (which was done originally), made adjustments to the linkage and just about everything else except put in a new clutch (which this one is). Sorry to hijack your thread, but did you experience this in your setup? Thanks.
Clutch Fun You're saying it slips under load or when accelerating ? . Diaphragm or Rockford typ cover ? .
It's a diaphragm cover, new fiber clutch from Napa, think it's a 9 1/2" disk (whatever was standard). The clutch engages but under acceleration you can feel that it is not fully engaged (motors rpm's go up but little acceleration). The transmission shop is having a he'll of a time with it.
Saginaw/Patricks 4 soeed tranny trouble shooting ! It has the 3.55:1 rearend. The noise does`nt come from the gears my old friend the mecanic says. It is`nt a wining noise but a trembling kinda noise in the sidecovers left front side ? Incase i should need to swap the gears where is it easyeast to get new ones? Probebly have to take the tranny out again to see what the sourse of trouble could be ? Thanks so far Martinius.
I got mine from Patrick's, and the rear end rebuild kit as well. Not saying it was the gears, just wondering if you had the old 4.11's in the rear end and if that would affect the performance of the transmission.
There are a couple of bearings that needed to be replaced in my transmission when we swapped it out...