WOW!!! great work there. I really like that beautiful GMC Grill too Nice Shop by the way too! Great work area
Brought her into the shop raw the 31st of March. Started taking parts off and was to the bare frame within a day or so. If I had the seat back from the upholsterer, I'd be out driving her tonight...
What about them there park lights you have up frount? What did you end up doing about those? That just looks sooooo darn slick! ...since March... sheeze~ Off to a show now, right?
nice, march of this year right That is just crazy fast, Those park lights looks stock! Or at least what I have on mine. Looks like the same ones in the pic. Zig do you have square ones on yours? I just got the dual filament kit for mine, re welded the new sockets in, and bam I now have turn signals there too
Thats what I did too, Wolf...yea, they're just stock for us G-M-C guys Remember, guys, I had 3-4 of my shop guys working on this quite a lot during that time, plus me when I could. If you all had a crew like that, you'd find it going pretty rapidly as well. If these guys were to do another one now, I suspect we'd cut several days off of the build now that they know what they're doing. Retired, Chebby??? Fraid not...Tired, yes. Just turned 50 today and feel every day of it. I started a company that specializes in aluminum work stands, mostly for aviation maintenance, quite a bit of military aircraft. Its aged me 20 years in the past five. These rods are about my only escape from reality. Don't do TV, don't care for sports. Work, build/work on street rod, drive, work some more...
Happy Birthday, Spika! If I'da known earlier, I'da baked you a cake! 50 ain't old, it's all mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter! Enjoy your day! Ken
How come the '52 is 59 years old and getting more valuable and desirable every year, but I'm as good now as I'll ever be, and every year I'm worth less and become less desirable? Park a 50 year old car out on the street, and people stop and admire. Let me stand on the street, and dogs stop to water my leg. Just ain't right.
Thats too funny!!! I find that to be true, at least the old truck part. I met more of my neighbors working on this truck. Everytime I drive it I get at least 3 guys giving me thumbs up at a stop light. Its a lot of fun. I turn 29 at the end of the year Doesn't seem possible
Happy birthday ! (you're allowed to kick the dog) I'm on your boat but further along in years , the grind is what I do , what I like doing but it's been getting hard in the last couple years . Can't retire , so I gotta tough it out . At least you're making art there ! . That's an amazing job and I wish I could afford you or Russ or Evan to re - do my old beat to crap '49 . not Hot Rodded , just taken all the way apart & rebuilt mostly like it is with new paint & re - chrome things , trim it , you know .
Ahh, hell Nate, just ship her on out. Maybe we can trade on one of those other interesting old projects you have found out in the desert. By the way, Classic Speed and Custom is officially open! We are still moving in and around, but are working away! As soon as the guy with the 7 Corvettes gets them out of the way......better be by Saturday........we are going to be full blast. First victims......Gas tank/ fuel pump in a 59 chevy truck, and servicing/ installing fan controls on a 69 Charger. Starting on a 67 Chevelle monday. 62 Ferd is still at the body shop.
I could almost get into this...I certainly enjoy the work, but it looks to me to be a tough one to make money on unless you're able to secure a long list of clients with deep pockets. Chebby...thats great...congrats on your opening! Wishing you best of luck in the venture!
?!?! " Russ : Ahh, hell Nate, just ship her on out. Maybe we can trade on one of those other interesting old projects you have found out in the desert. " " ship " ??? screw that ! it's my truck and therefore needs to be driven , you're only 3,000 miles away and might I remind you : I LIKE driving my old iron , it's not my hobby , it's my Vocation . As i have little $ , I'd happliy trade away all the old Motos and VW's in my back yard to get my truck rebuilt..... Too bad you're so far away or you could come take a looksee , might be $ ahead for you this way .