The only way, repeat ONLY way to easily manage an engine when removing or installing is to have it hanging from a SINGLE chain. Engine levelers suck as does anything that has the chain attached to two points or more. With one attachment point only you can tilt, roll, twist, or pivot the engine easily while a second attachment point will negate all this and you will be fighting the weight of the engine. V8's have a plate that bolts on to the carb mount flange that gives a centered lift point but an inline can have a cheap easy to make a tool that does the same. A piece of angle with holes in line with the front and rear rocker stands, two grade 8 bolts 1" longer that rocker stand bolts, and some holes for the chain is all it takes. This is on a very heavy straight 8 Buick so I used four rocker stand bolts and drilled holes for the rocker cover hold down studs to pass through but the idea is the same. Note the bolts aren't pulled down tight so the underside of the angle doesn't crunch into the rockers. Doesn't show but the engine is hanging level about 3ft in the air.
Engine Lift Adapter That's nice Evan . I remember long ago some sort of similar thing but it had a crank on it to tilt the engine a bit , the sales blurb had a picture of two guys dropping a 216 into an AD ~ obviously this was long ago . I've always used a center lift one like you show but I wondered about the crank / tilting do-hickey .
Re:Engine Lift Back in the day we just pulled a couple head bolts, stuck them through the links in the lift chain and hoisted away. You guys are getting too fancy on me LOL
lifting an engine Ive always used the hook of the chain fall, or come-along and just hooked it on the rocker shaft. It aint going to damage anything, and it sure wont slip. And its sure not going to break the rocker shaft. Its a positive hookup, no bolts or chain to worry about breaking.