That is a great piece of work and it reminded me of Captain Nemo and the Nautilus. Thanks for sharing that.
MMmmm, that would be a great name for it, I also knew it reminded me of something and it was a toy car I have, there are others but they are away in a box somewhere. But here are some shots of the silver one and some other vehicles. The truck and wing were dig finds from the desert homestead.
Sweet ! That one looks nice although it's obviously not quite form following function . I wonder how many millions one costs ? .
WoW, you gotta wonder what kinds of drugs and how many a man has taken when they come up with a design like this. It looks like something off of the Beetles Yellow Submarine album. Very nice work and well thought out...Big Tim
I like your toy car's Charles, the one in this pix is a 1942 Buffalo Toy Co. Silver Bullet Racer.... Big Tim
I'm afraid I can't let the kids play with this car Charles, I did a price check on it and found one that was expected to sell for 1100.00. It only ended up getting 600.00 though, so I thought I had better take care of it.....Big Tim
Whoa!! Just had a flashback to my 4th (I Think) Birthday. I got a toy car like that. I also remember getting a metal airplane, maybe a Corsair, with fold up wings. Trip down memory lane. Thanks Charles....