51 GMC i6 to v8 firewall conversion

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by miller, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. miller

    miller Member

    Sep 8, 2011
    hey everyone. i am new to this site and have a few questions. i have gotten alot of info off of this site in the past and have very good luck with it. the one thing i can not find is info on if i would have to cut the firewall on a 51 gmc 3/4 ton truck for a v8 to fit. i have seen the conversion kits for it but i have never seen any info on people installing them or even talking bout it.

    i am wanting to put a 350 w/5 speed manual or possibly a 366 BB with a 4&2 in a frame from a 85 blazer and put the body from my 51 on that frame im just trying to gather a little info so if i need to i can order parts or do some serious modifications.

    any info is great. thanks in advance
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2011
  2. MN Jim

    MN Jim Member

    May 9, 2007
    Andover MN

    I put a small block in my 53 I stayed with the stock frame used frame mounts from a 65 vette and did not have to do any firewall mods. I just had to move the steering gear box over about 1 1/4". I also know guys that used the mount kit that our sponser sells and no firewall mods needed with them either. I dont know anything about putting on a S-10 frame but know others have done it though. Good luck with your project!

  3. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    No, you don't have to cut it at all. Just make shure you leave enough room for the distributor at the firewall.
  4. miller

    miller Member

    Sep 8, 2011
    thanks guys for the info. i aslo have another question to go with that... if i dont have to modify the fire wall, will the shifter hole in the floor have to be moved? there was one person that told me that he had to put in a newer automatic with the shifting cables so he could slide motor ahead, and in doing so he put in an electric fan and a custom drive shaft. but im not sure if i should really believe him because he sometimes isnt to truthful.

    thanks again for the info
  5. federale

    federale Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Washington C.H.,Ohio

    All the info your friend gave you is pretty accurate. Its best to use a cable operated shifter, then you can mount the shifter anywhere you want it. A custom driveshaft will be needed since you are changing rearends. If you are using aftermarket motor mounts you may be able to fudge their location in order to use a water pump mounted fan. Good luck!
  6. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    I run a mechanical fan. With a long water pump. If you re building an engine, I would suggest a short water pump setup, you will gain a little space. You wil have to make a new driveshaft. I took the one from the truck the 350t came out of and the one from the 90 Town car the rear came from and told them to use these ends and make it this long, only cost $60. The Locar and Gennie, and now American shifters re all adjustable, you can move them to get close to where you want them. Get a new engine mount and Trans crossmember and set the engine where you want it, close to the firewall, but with clearance to the distributor. If you are running stock frame and front axle, you will have to space the steering box over an inch or 2.
  7. miller

    miller Member

    Sep 8, 2011
    thanks for all the info guys. now i get to make my banker really happy and start spending money lol. i will definitely have to keep this site in mind.
    thanks again

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