ok rebuilding carter W1, here's the deal, the rebuild kit seems to come with minimal parts. there are lots of small brass pieces on this carb that are not in the kit, I would like to replace them all.. also I also broke a small brass tube screw thing that goes in bottom of body and need a replacement. the question is, where to you get all these pieces, i would have thought they would have come in kit.. has they are soft brass and subject to damage.
Carter W1 repair kit on EBAY Here you have a link wich some of them includes an illustration of the W1 carb. It seems that there are different W1 carb. models and production years ! http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_kw=carter&_kw=W1&_kw=kit
idle jet yep did some research, it is the idle jet.. they are different based on year. contacted a couple carb shops.. sounds like after market idle jets are not available. have to get a NOS rebuld kit, or find another carb and pull the idle jet out of it. arrg.
I Might Have..... An old rebuilt Carter W1 carby still in it's crumbling Delco box.... Keep after me , last time I saw it was on my dining room table where I keep my shop manuals so it might take a while to dig out....
w1 nate, that would be cool definatly interested, just let me know. I am looking for the style with the flat fuel pump rod, not the round. for a 216 engine.. so smaller bolt pattern.