It has been a while, but I have become re-motivated to move forward on getting the truck done. The engine has been rebuilt and now I would like to get input as to what I should do with the Intake & Exhaust Manifold. Do they just stay natural? I have bead blasted them to get the all the rust, dirt, etc removed. Should they/can they be powder coated black? Should the oil filter canister be powder coated, just painted? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Tim for your feedback. Would that be the correct color essentially for the truck though leaving it stock. It is a '54 3100 so would it have just been the natural cast iron color? I am assuming for both intake and exhaust I would want to use a hi temp paint from Eastwood or some place similar?
colors The whole engine would have been painted at once minus the bolt on stuff and the exhaust would have just burnt the paint off. If ya got any more stock type questions try as it it a original type forum for Chevys
Painting job easy peasy !! Hi there ! I would recommend Bill Hirsch products. This spesialized in car paint for classic cars. I`have tryed the paint myself and so far it looks great after many many miles of driving. The trick is to have all your parts very clean before you start your painting job. Engine and smaller pars needs a ground paint at first and 2 layers finish , 1 layer clear coat. This you can do when the sun is shining outside. Use the baking oven at home a day the wife is out shopping and heat it up very well. Put your exhaust manifold inside and let it stay there a 15 minuttes or so.Take it out (use cloves) and ground your exhaust manifold while its still very hot. if your baking oven has a blower switch it on and put the manifold inside again and let it dry 15 minuttes (repeat). Alternative is to have the exhaust M. coated with ceramic at Tom langdons Stovebolt or other vendors. Aerosol or quarts of paint; Engine paint in original chevy paint colors grey and blue. Likewise intake manifold. Exhaust manifold ; Glossy black/mat heat resisting paint over a 1000 F. Good luck Martinius.
Martinius - What do you mean when you say "engine and smaller parts need a ground paint at first"? Do you mean a hi temp primer coat? Also just for further clarification you mean to heat up the exhaust manifold first and paint it with the ground coat (or what I am calling the hi temp primer coat) first. Then re-heat again and apply all remaining coats? It also seems like you are saying that the exhaust manifold would have been glossy black whereas the intake would have been gray to match the color of the engine? Do you know if that is what it would have been originally when as a stock truck? I only ask because I am trying to put back the truck to as stock as possible with only a few safety improvements. Steve
Painting Yes thats what i mean all of it. Bill Hirsch paint is one of the best in the US. The cast iron is much better to paint when its hot and it keeps your paint nice on the long term. First a thin layer of primer coat/ 2 layers finish coat. Exhaust manifold in black high heat resistent paint. Ground paint = primer coat Depends on how old your truck is ? But 1 layer of primer coat, 2 layers of finish coat and one layer 2 component neutral paint. This to give it extra strainth on the outside. Your engine , side cover , oilpan and valve cover in matching colors chevy grey or blue , Waterpump , pully and balancer glossy black. Intake manifold in grey or matching blue, Your clutch house in matching color grey or blue. If further question ask Bill Hirsch or any shop whom have his products. Hope this whas of any help.
You might research your remote Oil filter, it came in different colors, AC was blue and orange, Our sponsor has decals for it. It will look so fine with Valve cover, oil filter and air cleaner decals. Congrats on leaving it stock! Seems return on investment is always better that way.
Do not use Hirsch engine paint it is not the correct color grey use the engine paint from the filling station and the exhaust manifold would of left the factory grey but would have burnt off quickly then would turn to rust color thats why I said to use poor15 cast color it hols up for a couple years before it need to be recoated
So What Color Should the Oil Filter Canister Be? I have seen yellow/black and orange/black. Any official word as to what would have been used on a 54? Thanks
I used our sponsors gray motor paint, in fact only brushed it on and it has been fine for 5 years. Exhausts are a different story. My original AC is a French blue cannister with orange top. Different brands used different colors as these remote filters were aftermarket add-ons. Go with what you like.
Here is one variant. This is an AC filter. Fram also made one in the familiar orange/black color scheme.
Thanks Ken - The engine looks amazing and the filter canister too. Any idea where to find those right colors for the filter canister? If you get that orange color off, you can end up with a fluorescent orange canister and that would not be a good thing. I'm also still going between the orange one and the yellow one. I was thinking the yellow just because I may end up going with the red which I think might look better with the red versus the orange with the red.
Bill hirsch chevy paint codes! Bill Hisch paint is made after original chevy paint codes. Where did you get the information that it is not the correct color .... just wonder ? I`ll suggest that you could make a phonecall to Hirsch and ask them . There service is the best and i am shore they will give you a direct answer to confirm . Look here Aerosol is mentioned after epokes and each color have there own spes. number wich corresponds with chevrolet paint codes.
Ceramic coating is fantastic but cost very much dineros! Tom langdon offered me the ceramic coating for the dual Fenton setup at a price of 125 US dollars. Well wurth your money but there must be an adres where they can do it a litle cheaper then that right ! Like me i am allways looking fore the best bargins and i`ll gues i am not alone on that one . It has become a kind a lifestyle and i `ll think most of you gentleman recognize that fenomen ? It gives much satisfaction buying and selling, making "good deals".
More chevy engine colors. Dupont and Dizler paint industries/GM colors; Daves website; Martinius.