Let me see Sutiors lined up for miles ... I wish for just one. ha ha seems like to me that men don't really like that kind of thing. or I'm just not finding them. Anyway I do really like my ole truck and someday hopefully before the end of the summer maybe fall I hope to have her on the road again. My Dad is the greatest always helpful. His knowledge is incredible.
Re:Suitors When I was 16 I dated a girl who worked in her dad's garage/filling station in Circleville Ohio. She usually had a little grease under her nails and I thought she was the hottest girl in town.
Well that's good to hear. Some guys do like a little grease under the nails. Maybe some day. have a great day
IMHO, there's nothing like a bit of grease under the nails and some scuff marks on the knuckles to make a woman attractive...
moms too. I had to chime in on this one. Yes my dad had this truck and i remember it barely as a little kid and there is a family photo of it in a shoebox somewhere, but it was my mom's excitement of my dream that started 10 years ago to get an AD all fixed up. That is what kept me going, but unfortunately it took too long and now she is not physically able to easily get in and out of the truck at her age. We got to take it on a few drives together recently when i visited, and i will cherish those moments fondly, but I could tell she was not comfortable. Since i am 1200 miles away from the truck, she has been a real trooper running to get parts, receiving shipments and delivering them to the shop and such, shipping off extras that i sold and letting me use HER garage and basement and under bed space to store extra parts! Now my truck sits in her garage until i can get it running better to drive it to Florida. She is a real trooper and i would not have wanted to do it without her. Here's to you mom!
I Hope ! Those of you who are lucky enough to have a family relationship like this , don't EVER take it for granted ! . I have this with my son , no one else , ever . GOOD ON YA ! .
Couldn't agree more! My mom has a similar desire to see me get my truck going. She lights up every time I start talking about working on it with them. My greatest wish is that I can take her for a spin in it. I took my dad in it already, but deemed it too unsafe for my mom to ride in. Hopefully~ Someday...
no brakes or door locks Reminds me of when i first got the truck in '03 - mom wanted to go for a ride then so she and her younger sister piled in and we headed through the country roads, but there were no brakes yet and when we rounded a left turn their side door flew open and they were all screaming and laughing hanging onto anything and each other to stay put. They still talk about that experience and laugh! No way any of us would tempt that today. Good times though. My dad recently got to ride with me (new brakes, door latches and tires) and even he was grabbing the dash and yelling at me to slow down (i guess at 74 it had been a few years since even he has been in an old truck). I just told him to relax because after-all, he is the one that taught ME how to drive and i drive just like he does - or at least used to. Ha!
235 Okay everyone help is in order again. I am ready to see if I can get the ole motor running. Shes a 235 and I have purchased new everything for a good tune up well because all that stuff burnt off anyway. Any suggestions on what to do first? I have plug wires and plugs rotor, dist cap, coil I opted to not use points and use some electronic thingie the guy at ORileys suggested that wires up and no more point setting. Do I need to do anything special before starting? I cked oil and it is at full mark and no water is present in it. Thanks
Initial Startup Change the oil ! use 10W-whaever dino , not synthetic . COOLANT ! don't run it sans coolant as the hot spots will cause serious damaged in a moment . Adjust the valves then set the basic timing to ball on pointer and have at it . expect lots of smoke when it begins to re awaken .
smile on my face I tell you it is at adventure.. My Dad hasnt got to come out to the garage much to help me so been doing everything I can do by myself. I got the frame painted and my new shocks on both front and back heading for the brakes next on the front. I degreased the engine and have it ready for paint so probably going to get that done tomorrow as I have the day off. Every day I get to spend working on the ole truck makes me smile. At the end of the day when I stand back and see the progress WOW I've come along ways. My Mom has been shagging parts for me thank goodness as by the time I get off work the supply houses are all closed. Gonna get some new pics loaded soon. Everyone have a GREAT 4th of JULY..
Great, and THANKS!!! Same to you and yours, Karen! It is great to hear about the progress on your truck! You have me beat by m-i-l-e-s!!! Have a safe 4th, as well as the rest of ya'll! Car show tomorrow morning! BTW, here is all that I've got done... Barbies and camping with family kept me from getting the passenger fender done! Oh well~ BTW, the 4th picture is where we're trying to figure out which one ate the last bunch of Hostess Brownie Bites. The well dressed ones I'm pointing at think the shirtless ones ate them. They say they got rid of their shirts to hide the chocolate stains they got on them. The one with the "Target" shirt just has that, "God, those were GOOD brownies look!" (Must be from the 60's, 70's?)
Sounds like you're making great progress, Karen! Looking forward to more photo updates. I echo her wishes for everyone to have a safe and Happy Independence Day! The fireman in me feels the need to warn everyone to be careful with their firecrackers... Damon
The 4th WOW what a day I got to Dads at 8am and we started working on the replacement of the drivers side quarter panel what a chore. WE did it .. and also welded up the hole where the old gas tank fill was. got the motor painted and primer on the front clip inside fenders. Removed the old front brake hoses for replacement. Finally got all this done and home about 6:30pm. But a very productive DAY. I am smiling from ear to ear. MOM is off to gather some parts for me today from classic parts Thank goodness I live 15 mins from them. Will try and get some more pics posted soon. Any suggestions on a gas tank for under the bed? and also a new wiring harness?
Karen, Most folks go with the tank that fits between the frame rails at the rear of the bed. I'm using that space for a spare, so I'm going to put the tank in the stock location for the '47-'48 trucks: passenger side under the bed, between the cab and rear axle. Damon
Wiring harness! I'm afraid I've got more questions than answers for you on this subject! If memory serves, '52 GMC's were 6 volt POSITIVE ground! I see that you are putting a 235 engine in your truck, which is a Chevy engine, either a 6 volt or 12 volt NEGATIVE ground, depending on the year. With that said, what do you plan to do as far as your electrical system? Are you going to keep a generator or go with an alternator? Do you plan to keep the original GMC gauges, are you going back 6 volt or going 12? You can't really mix and match, unless certain things are changed! Also, do you you want a bare bones harness, or do you want modern upgrades such as turn signals, dual taillights, radio, etc? Anything and everything is possible once you set the parameters of your build.
Tank inside the cab gives some advantages! Placing the fuel tank inside the cab has some advantages. No rust and less water condense but you loose some space inside offcourse. martinius.
Made my own tank.... https://talk.classicparts.com/showthread.php?t=9177 I like the Its a Snap/ EZ Wire harness, small fuse box , GM colors and labeling, for around $165. I have also used Rebel wire.
wiring harness Hey there you guys worked all weekend on the ole truck and we are making great progress. Got the brake lines all done , New plugs in and Dad is what he calls dollying the top of the cab and then Guess What??? It will be done and ready for paint... OMG I am so happy...Ordered the wiring harness from EZ Wiring that should be here in a few days and also ordered the Paint it should be here in a few days. I have been doing lots of little things at home like cleaning up the dash parts and now working on the steering wheel I wanna keep it and am thinking I will put a leather cover on it any ideas on how to repair the cracks in it? Will a good epoxy work?
Some answers for you Ken We will be going with 235 motor and alternator orginal gauges. I did purchase a 12 circuit wiring harness fro EZ wiring thought this would give me all the circuits I may need. When I bought the truck is already had the alternator on it is there anything else I need to worry about? Some type of resistor ? for sure don't wanna melt my new wiring harness or anything else for that matter.