I have a 235 in a 48 Chevy pickup. I was told when I bought it that it was a 55 model engine. I checked the number by the distributor ( F904B ) and the casting number above the starter ( H267 ) It looks to me like it is a 57 Powergluide 235. Have I decoded it correctly?
1956 was the last year that you could identify the year that an engine was built by its serial number. Starting in 57 and running through 62, a 235 used the same numbering system for engines. The "F" means it was built in Flint, Mi, "904" means that it was built on Sept 4 and "B" indicates that it is a regular production passenger car engine with a powerglide engine. Hope this helps some. Ken
Thanks for the feedback. I pulled the side cover today and found it had hyd. lifters, so I figured it was from a passenger car.
Yeah, if it had a powerglide, it came with hydraulic lifters. Another way to hone in on the year of the engine would be to get the casting number off the block and/or head as it will tell you a range of years that that particular block and/or head was produced. The casting number should be 7 digits and start with either 37 or 38 for late 50's early 60's applications. By the way, where in Texas do you live?
Replacement 235's Over the decades of working on old Bowties I have noticed that most of the later model ones are 1957 manufacture .