I often wonder, being I am a '65 truck owner, just how so many '47-'54 fella's ended up on this site? Each time I visit Classic Parts Talk and click "New Posts" the discussion about '47-'54's is always 90% of the discussion. Other than saying "they are the best trucks 'cause I got one" do you think there is a reason for this? Maybe it's because this design was available for 7 years? Maybe because the trucks were very popular when they were sold new and there are so many of them? Just curious what ya'll think.
Intresting topic ! Good morning Lakeroadster I`ll find your question intresting and can only answer for my self what motivation did that i bought a 1950 truck and why i`l think its nice to participate in the discussions on this forum . From my piont of view ; The people here at forum are just great people to talk with and i feel very motivated participating personally. The information you get here is for free and gives everyone an outcome , no questions are to dum or not relevant. Most participants are active and like to give there knowledge to other truck owners. The truck design is technically magnificent and gives an enourmesly lot of possebillees. Most people with basic knowledge are able maybe with some help to build up a truck in a good standard with that spesific look Money , time and motivation are important criterias to build up a truck Parts are easy to get and not allways that expencive. I feel happy driving my truck along the road and am using it at the farm here. Hope i answered some of your questions ? Martinius.
Dad, both Grandpaws, and my Great Grandpaw had em, and so do I. I still miss my 65 C-20 but this one ton is just what I need today and the 52. Some forums are that way on one of the tractor forums the N's is the hot one. Mostly as Evan put it this morning it is people helping people and needing nothing in return but a smile across the gray screen back at ya.
Thanks for the comments guys! I agree with how great this website is, good folks, good advice and good demeanors. My real focus and reason I started this thread is why, from your personal opinions, the '47-'54 era of trucks so popular here on this website.
I had a 64 Chevy that I traded for my 52. For me, I just love the rounded fenders... The curves... Yes, there are older models all the way back that have curves and rounded fenders, also. However, the parts for these are "plentiful" which makes working on them more enjoyable? The first thing I ever drove was a 1950 Chevy 3 window. That's when the curves hit me. Been addicted to them ever since!
Its simply because we have the best members, not to mention the coolest trucks out there. Everyone wishes they could drive an AD, wheather they will admit it or not. Even though the 60s cars are now 50+years old, most people still think of "Old fashioned" or "Classic" as the 50s and before, with bulbous fenders and rounded cabs. I get huge reactions to my truck on a daily basis, people just want to talk about it, or relate how their Grandfather, father, uncle or they themselves had one. I get little old ladies telling me how they used to throw the kids in the bck and "Go into town". Classic car people tend to be VERY interested in their vehicles and love to share and talk about them. Since we are the most Classic, we can't shut up. Also, the 60s and 70s trucks are still seen around here working hard and beat to hell. There are still little old men hauling wood and junk in them and they are seen more often, therefore the mistique is less. Ours aren't seen very much, so when they are they are noticed.....and popular. And 'cause we have the coolest members.
Had to say why they were so popular then, as Nate puts it they were designed to be rebuilt if need be out in the field and then drove across the country and back without any breakdowns. Today they still have that durability to keep on trucking day in and day out. When I was looking for a truck to tinker with and even though I kind of wanted a Fatboy F1 I never bid on one just the Advance Designs till I got my truck. Hope this kind of fits what you were/are after.
Post war vehicles! Another reason for the AD truck popularity is purely timing. U.S. civilian vehicle production halted after the '42 models came out due to WWII. VJ Day, officially in Sept '45, ended the war. U.S. auto makers basically started making cars and trucks again based on pre war body styles until '49, except for GM, who came out with a completely re-styled truck in mid '47. The American public was hungry for something new and jumped on the "newest of new"! Thus the popularity of the Chevy and GMC Advance Design truck! Enough history! My "love affair" with the AD began in '58 when I got to ride in granddad's first AD. It was used and abused, but very dependable. My dad repainted it for him in '62. When dad retired from the Air Force in '69, we needed a "work truck" to haul stuff to build their retirement home. Here's a shot of the beast we used to do that! Here's another shot of a different AD used for lawn maintenance at grandma place! It goes on and on! I can't imagine not having an AD in my world! Ken
Why ? As so eloquently stated , a combination of reasons , not the least of which is : AD's in Stock form , tend to attract a certain typ of person..... Of course the good basic design followed by top notch build quality (O.K. , except for the bodies jig works ) , low initial co$t helped as they outsold Brand ' F *and* Brand ' D ' combined for many years , this means there's quite a few left . I'm just glad to have metcha all ! .
I learned to drive setting on my grandpa's lap out in the field or headed for our favorite fishing hole. I couldn't reach the pedals but I remember it well. That was a 52 I now own a 51. Doesn't look much like grandpa's now but it makes me smile and remember every time I am around it. Papy
We are the champions of the world Oh yeah ! Litle chinise saying Competition feels so good when having a lot of sucses ha... ha...ha Martinius.
It's the curves. My wife said she always wanted an old truck with the big curvy fenders. Lucky for me it was the AD. She is the one who actually found our truck on Craig's and encouraged me to buy it and spend money on it. She knew it would be my hobby. I'm glad it's been hot the last two summers so she said it would be nice to have A/C. I love my wife.