Hot rod tv

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Guest5979, May 11, 2013.

  1. Guest5979

    Guest5979 Guest

    Feb 18, 2007
    Nates 49 was on hot rod tv today so you can catch it again sunday nates 49 was in the garage and was transformed to the magna flow revolver truck what a shame to convert when they could of built one from all re pop parts butt his truck still lives and will be seen by tons of people at a lot of car shows.
  2. Guest5979

    Guest5979 Guest

    Feb 18, 2007
    Nates 49

    google magnaflow 49 chevt truck behind the scenes build for sema :eek:
  3. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
  4. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
  5. Guest5979

    Guest5979 Guest

    Feb 18, 2007
  6. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Well they could give back the parts for starters.

    Attached Files:

  7. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    original versus hotrod design!

    Its offcourse a taste of design and the money you wanna spend but there is no doubt that this hotrod style truck looks moore secure in modern traffic. I like hotrods in general exept from the way they did this interieur with dull colors and how they made the tail end without any brand marking. The bling bling factor is getting a bit overhand here.Not all of Fooses designs are well done thats fore shore . I personal think that in some off the projects the particulair caracter of the vehicle is not recognizeble anymore. They are building a new car mostly using the old frame and re pop parts to promote there products . Its about buisness and presentation of it wich is great fore me . But entertainment is what we want right and thats what we get !

    I wonder how Nate thinks about this "metamoreFoose" :) ?

    Thanks fore sharing Martinius.
    Last edited: May 12, 2013
  8. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 12, 2013
  9. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Thanx Guys

    Yes , they did a nice custom build on my old truck .

    Not mentioned is how they LIED TO ME AND STOLE MY PERSONAL BELONGINGS . I pretty much gave it away for $6,000 , that's fine but jerking me off and LYING & STEALING from a crippled old man , isn't cool and never will be .

    I'm sitting here nearly in tears remembering the decades and tens of thousands of happy miles I spent behind that fat , ivory steering wheel , both working and vacationing in that fine old RUST FREE rig .

    I only sold it because I'm unable to safely operate a clutch pedal anymore .

    They promised to return parts that are not there as they push it into the shop . in fact , I offered to BUY BACK my items as they'd told me they wouldn't use anything but the sheet metal and frame .

    I'd get a 'phone call every month or so from the guy who bought it , saying he'd not forgotten me but he'd never allow me to go pick up my parts ~ personal items not necessary to them .

    The day it was unveiled , they suddenly stopped taking my 'phone calls .

    You'll notice they don't allow comments on the video site ~ that's because they are LYING THIEVING ASSHOLES ~ remember that when you decide to $pend your hard earned dollars on Hot Rod parts .

    Nathan Hall , dissappointed ex owner
  10. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Until Nate's promised items are returned to him.
    My opinion on this is boycotting the fornicators so; I'm just going to treat them as any of the china clipper trash out there.
  11. Lakeroadster

    Lakeroadster Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Central Colorado
    This is the first I have seen of this :(

    I for the life of me can't understand why folks think they can screw over an honest fella and think it won't turn back on them. Karma... it's a bitch.

    But don't let these nairdowells taint ya Nate. When ya get to the end of your rope just tie a knot and hang on! We'll be there like a duck on a June bug. :D

    and, correct me if I am wrong, the fornicators and their cronies are:

    Email these folks, tell them what you think, and see if they are worth their salt!

    CW Restoration Shop
    Total Cost Involved Engineering Inc.

    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  12. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Dear Sirs,
    The previous owner of the revolver was promised some personal items on the truck would be returned to him. You boys failed to do so. Because I refuse to deal with people that make false promises I and many like me are going to boycott your products. So we are adding you to the list with the others.
  13. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Thank you !

    I just sent this message , we;ll see if they care or not .

    " I am the fellow whom " Robert " (?) bought the 1949 Chevy 3100 from .

    I am disabled and wasn't able to remove some personal items from the truck before he took it away , he repeatedly called me told me not to worry , as soon as it was done I'd get back my items and that I was welcome to purchase back most of the truck's components as he had no plans to use anything but the sheet metal and frame .

    As soon as the truck was revealed at the SEMA Show , he suddenly stopped taking my calls .

    As I pretty much GAVE AWAY this truck I am sorely disappointed in all this and wonder if maybe I could BUY BACK the items that were stolen from me ? .

    Nathan Hall , ex owner . "
  14. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    I sent some comments to the designer letting him or his staff know some issues are out and it deals with the Revolver and personal items.
  15. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    The Lying Thief

    His name is richard and his cell 'phone # is (949) 525.2147 .

    Please feel free to call him up and ask him how it feels to cheat and steal from a cripple who tired to do him a good turn .

    I was once offered $10,000.00 for this truck as it was 100 % RUST FREE and that's very hard to find .

    I *do* understand he paid for it and so I'm not complaining about the final product , I just always make sure my word is my bond and richard here doesn't seem to feel honesty has any value atall .

    I wonder how he treats his kids and wife ? .
  16. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Apeal to all of you chevy truck owners to help out Nate Hall!

    Guys , if this is the case why dont we make a collective statement and send it to the person(s) whom did this? If they are not answering the phone we could wright an e.amail , publish the statement on Facebook or Twitter .Together we become very strong. We are so many and spredding the news has to be orgenized. Be kind to help Nate out in this situation.


    Chevy truck owners all over the US and europe want that Nate Hall from California gets his personal belongings back that where in his truck at the time of sale , and that the left over truck parts will be returned aswell as agreed between seller and buyer.

    Classic chevy truck owners in america and europe.

    Nate could make a former complain at the police station if there is any proveble evidence around the original deal that whas done between you and the buyer of the truck ?

    I am furious on Nates behave and i want to help him thats fore shore , but we need Nates aproval offcourse ! Nate tell us what you think about this proposel ?
    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  17. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    ! Stop !

    I don't want any money ~

    I sold my truck and that's that .

    What I'm pissed off about is , I was in so much pain the day they came to get it , I couldn't even stand up and richard said ' not to worry , I'll make sure you get your personal stuff ' then he continued to call me every week or two to tell me he hadn't forgotten me .

    A boycott is a good idea , asking for something I'm not entitled to , is wrong no matter how you look at it .

    I hope no one uses bad words when contacting this jerk , that would be disrepectful to me .
  18. Jason @ TCI Eng

    Jason @ TCI Eng Member

    May 13, 2013
    I'd like to introduce myself to the forum. This is Jason Wilcox from Total Cost Involved Engineering. I am the Media guy over here but I also get my hands dirty now and then as evidenced by the Hot Rod TV episode for the Revolver.


    We sincerely apologize for any wrong doing you have been victim of Nate. I can assure you there was no militious intent by anyone involved. I know that doesn't help get your parts back but to call people thieves, liars and then make comments about someone's personal life is certainly over the top. Also, to condone all parties involved with the build is certainly unfair. I can't vouch for Richard or state what happened to your parts but I know he is an extremely busy guy. He spent the last 3 weeks 2500 miles from home working on the Powerblock. That's on top of the Overhaulin filming that has been going on also and probably 100 other projects he's working on. He is literally the eyes, ears, and hands of Magnaflow, he is everywhere. Every vehicle that is on the Overhaulin show has an exhaust that was built by him. He sometimes doesn't return our calls for weeks at a time so don't think he is singling you out or ignoring you, he is just that busy. I am supposed to be staying with Richard during the Power Tour so I will have ample opportunity to discuss this with him at that time. Until then, I will drop him an e-mail and a text and see if we can come up with anything for you in the mean time.

    You guys made your point, the word got out. I'd kindly ask to have the TCI e-mail address from the post above be changed to me (Jason@) instead of the Sales Manager (Evan@). There's no need to bother the Sales Manager when I can react much quicker to replies than he can.

    Here are some pics I had posted on a different forum during the build process.

    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  19. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Boycott is effective !

    Thanks for the information back Nate.

    I moderated my text a bit as i had misunderstood some things. Is it ok to you Nate if i place the information around this case on the other chevy threads here at chevy talk ?

    How could we orginize an effective boycott guys , i would like to work together with 3 or 4 persons on this one.

    To help Nate is what counts here !!!

    Martinius :)
    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  20. Jason @ TCI Eng

    Jason @ TCI Eng Member

    May 13, 2013
    I apologize if this ends up being a duplicate post but the first post was gone after I posted it. I thought maybe it was in moderation but I feel this post needs to be made sooner rather than later.

    Here is the original post.............

    I'd like to introduce myself to the forum. This is Jason Wilcox from Total Cost Involved Engineering. I am the Media guy over here but I also get my hands dirty now and then as evidenced by the Hot Rod TV episode for the Revolver.

    We sincerely apologize for any wrong doing you have been victim of Nate. I can assure you there was no militious intent by anyone involved. I know that doesn't help get your parts back but to call people thieves, liars and then make comments about someone's personal life is certainly over the top. Also, to condone all parties involved with the build is certainly unfair. I can't vouch for Richard or state what happened to your parts but I know he is an extremely busy guy. He spent the last 3 weeks 2500 miles from home working on the Powerblock. That's on top of the Overhaulin filming that has been going on also and probably 100 other projects he's working on. He is literally the eyes, ears, and hands of Magnaflow, he is everywhere. Every vehicle that is on the Overhaulin show has an exhaust that was built by him. He sometimes doesn't return our calls for weeks at a time so don't think he is singling you out or ignoring you, he is just that busy. I am supposed to be staying with Richard during the Power Tour so I will have ample opportunity to discuss this with him at that time. Until then, I will drop him an e-mail and a text and see if we can come up with anything for you in the mean time.

    You guys made your point, the word got out. I'd kindly ask to have the TCI e-mail address from the post above be changed to me (Jason@) instead of the Sales Manager (Evan@). There's no need to bother the Sales Manager when I can react much quicker to replies than he can.

    Here are some pics I had posted on a different forum during the build process.

    Last edited: May 13, 2013

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