Hot rod tv

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Guest5979, May 11, 2013.

  1. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Now that we are contacting these people lets see if we get any replies.
  2. Nick

    Nick Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Kansas City, Missouri
    Jason's posts were mistakenly stuck in the moderation queue by the forum software so they weren't showing up until a few minutes ago. Sorry about that.
  3. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Thanks Nick.
  4. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Were is Nate's personal property?
    If it takes all the current medias to fix what happened to Nate then that is what will happen. Bottom line, until the personal property is returned I will not stop this.
    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  5. Jason @ TCI Eng

    Jason @ TCI Eng Member

    May 13, 2013
    Thanks, sorry for the dupe post

    We have no idea where his parts are, TCI was not aware of this situation until this morning. We were contracted by Magnaflow to build a frame for the Revolver. I have sent out a few messages to the people that could possibly shed some light on the situiation. As soon as I hear something (good, bad, or indifferent) I will pass it along.

    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  6. oxidizr

    oxidizr Member

    May 13, 2013

    This is Richard from Magnaflow and to say the least I am sorry you feel the way you do but as always there are two sides to every story... First, I am NOT contradicting anything you are saying or have said regarding the return of the items we discussed or first right of refusal on the items we don't use, but your personal attacks and name calling are ill deserved and honestly from my interactions with you, unfitting of your character.

    First and foremost this thread came to my attention today via the Revolver truck's builder who was informing me of its completion THIS WEEK.

    "From: Chris @ CWRestoration Shop
    Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 9:38 AM
    To: Richard Waitas
    Subject: Revolver & 32

    Hi Richard,

    The truck will be ready to go this week. All I am waiting on is getting the ft bumper back from the chrome shop, and installing it on the truck. He said we should have it back on Wednesday. So I think Thursday you should be able to pick up the truck.

    Also the 32 dos is back from Bill Dunn?s and is ready to have the exhaust put on. Do you know when we can schedule getting it over to you.

    One more thing, you may want go to this site to see what is being blogged about."

    As is indicated in the email from the builder today, I have not taken possession of the finished truck. The builder still has possession of the truck and apart from making its Television / Media debuts at SEMA and on TV, the Revolver still has yet to take a legitimate drive down a public road.

    With that said, we are all in the world of Hot Rodding and know what its like to take on the endeavor of building something from an idea and bringing it to completion. In the comfort of our own garages its easy to understand the trials of putting parts together to find they don't work or to discovering that once you stripped the paint to find a body riddled with RUST and FILLER (your cab was far from usable but I didn't burden you with a phone call or even a mention.) For personal projects and to most of us that means another beer and some more elbow grease and some saving to fund the next part of the build with no real deadlines to meet.

    With a true media project that encompasses the representation of many company's quality products, these type of delays become increasingly more complicated and costly having to document each phase and ensure everyone involved is fairly represented. The big difference from a personal project the deadlines, a debut event (such as SEMA) doesn't move for such things. When the original deadline of SEMA became impossible due to a number of delays we had to still represent the idea and form in the best fashion possible for the show and television. The truck is something we are all proud to be a part of but was not complete in November despite the unveiling and TV. The guys at CW Restoration have put all their resources together to build a great truck however this is a business transaction between two companies and involves contracted work and deadlines.

    This is the part that becomes difficult ... difficult because the builder's intentions are known to be true and in line with fulfillment of the contract but technically not having the vehicle completed by SEMA puts the builder in breach of contract. After SEMA, legal worked with the builder to create real deadlines and new contract deliverables. In that we were scheduled to receive the truck back on the 20th but as the builder has informed me (and as you have read) will be ready this week. I am not the legal department but can say that once a contract is breached the amount of paperwork that ensues with evaluation of "damages" and the type of interactions that are allowed are well beyond my ability to discuss and until we receive final delivery of the vehicle is specifically limited.

    In closing ... Nate, for what it's worth, I am sorry you feel you have been wronged but I am not sure how much that means to you. Please understand nothing has changed from our original discussion, when we pick-up the truck COMPLETE along with remaining parts, the contract with our builder will be fulfilled and as we discussed, along with the first right of refusal on the unused parts, I will have the parts you requested.

    Unfortunately, you cannot undue the damage of your verbal attacks or creating hardship for other companies involved but you can make good on putting forth the complete story ... there was no malice intended only another side of the story that was not told or heard because of a break in communication.

    This will be my only "post" in response to this issue and if there are any concerns you can contact me personally:

  7. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    First I Thank you for taking the time to handle this seeing you were not there when they loaded Nate's old ride on the truck and had promised him his items (Personal Property) which he could not get that day because his back is/was acting up. ( He was hit from behind while stopped at a stop light by a speeding taxi while on a motor cycle, and his back acts Up)
    Magnaflow should be here informing us on how this will never happen again, to be frank if they did it to Nate it most likely has happened to others, that practice we must bring to a halt once and for all.

    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  8. Jason @ TCI Eng

    Jason @ TCI Eng Member

    May 13, 2013
    Richard from Magnaflow has posted already......His post is also in 'Moderation'

  9. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    To Jason Wilcox from Total Cost Involved Engineering

    Thank you for responding so quickly Jason , i myself hope you are the gentlemen that you present you are and that this mixed up situation gets a fast but happy end for Nate Hall.

    Personally i dont care about the excuses you come up with for your self , your compagny neither your colleagues or others involved. We are all busy in some way in our daily lifes. It does`nt cost to much to make a phonecall to Nate Hall to tell him that you are working on the situation and that you are sorry .
    People support Nate Hall in his claim to get his rightfull parts back again as agreed the day he sold his truck ! The personal belongings must be returned aswell to the rightfull owner wich is Nate Hall.

    You know the contence of a lawfull agreement i am sure you do? When an agreement is made between a seller and a buyer and both parts are fully aware of the consequenses this is actually a lawfully binding agreement !
    It does`nt matter wether its on paper or a gentlemens shaking hands shake agreement.Do you understand what i am telling to say ?

    All that it is needed here is that the rightfull owner gets his propertees back again and i think that your compagny has to do something about that . Dont let Nate Hall have to wait to long.

    I am very disapointed about the treatment this good guy Nate Hall has been given and until a solution is on the table i will continue to support this boycott .

    By the way what is your direct e.mail adres Mr. Jason Wilcox ?

    Sinc. Martinius Berg.
    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  10. DeadZoneTruckin

    DeadZoneTruckin Member

    Apr 17, 2010
    You got a lot of room to talk after the way you jacked me around,led me on, lied to me & wasted my valuable time for weeks on that fender deal you squirmed out of Martinius :rolleyes: Now all of a sudden you are on your high horse of morality & fairness:rolleyes: Give me a break


    I am sure you all can drag all the company names involved here through the mud & initiate boycotts but.... the bottom line is .....
    The original verbal agreement is between Nate & Richard {who promised the parts back} and that is as far as it should go.

    The other companies & parts suppliers involved with the build have no idea what kind of deal was cut at the time the truck was originally purchased & it is out of their control anyway.

    I can assure you that the companies who supplied the parts & did the work on this build have better things to do than to conspire among themselves to lie, cheat & steal a thousand dollars worth of Nate's parts from him.

    In addition.....I would be very careful about making accusations & slandering people & companies that are not party to Nate's original verbal agreement with Richard as it could open YOU up to a lawsuit by the companies named here.

    If there was a misunderstanding between Nate & Richard.... or Richard has decided to weasel out of the original verbal deal he made with Nate..... the big companies involved here should pony up a peace offering to Nate as it is bad for business to have your reputation ruined over a perceived $1000 deal gone bad.

    Or............................Even Better..........

    Maybe the OverHaulin' crew could do a special build on one of Nate's vintage rides & turn this whole fiasco into a positive thing for everyone involved.

    just sayin'
    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  11. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008

    I dont see really what your person to person angry comments has got to do with this particulair thread in helping Nate Hall ?

    Are you still mad at me Joe that i did`nt bought that fender for 500 bucks? Well as i explained to you i had send the 500 dollars for that fender throught postal mail because you did`nt have a Paypal account or could `nt take credit card payments.
    As i explained to you the money for that fender whas stolen on its way to the US wich happens quite often nowerdays.
    You told me in a pm i whas a lier and a cheater ect. after i told you i wanted to drop the deal caused by this situation. I am in me fully right to do that.
    In your next pm you stated it whas the last time you wanted to sell your parts to me and that is ofcourse your own choice. After i have got your very angree reaction i did`nt want to deal with you anymoore in the way you reacted.
    I luckely got a refund from the postal service in Norway later because the package whas insuired . You have made your point but i do not agree with anything of what your are telling here at this forum.

    If there is anything unsaid between you and me i`ll suggest you`ll write me a privat pm on the matter again.

    By the way nobody here at this forum has the intensions in slandering or making any accusations about any compagnees neither persons involved here. Personally i just want to help a good friend thats all.

    Sinc. Martinius.

    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  12. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Until Nate gets his personal items time moves on.
  13. DeadZoneTruckin

    DeadZoneTruckin Member

    Apr 17, 2010
    Bottom line is..... you are not a man of your words Martinius & I don't do business with liars & you have no business critiquing anyone on their parts deals.

    I can spot liars & scammers a mile away so please don't clutter up Nate's problem with the fact you are not to be trusted to do what you say you are going to do.

    Now....Lets got back to Nate's problem here please
    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  14. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    just sayin; Until Nate gets his personal items time moves on.
  15. Lakeroadster

    Lakeroadster Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Central Colorado
    I sent an email to Magnaflow late Sunday afternoon 05-12-2013 and got a reply from Richard Waitas at 3:05 pm Monday 05-13-2013 as follows:

    Quick FYI, the truck is still with the builder and NOT finished or in our possession. For legal reasons, we had not taken possession of the vehicle and parts until the contracted deadline of the 20th of this Month. At that point, we can take the unused parts Nathan requested and return them to him. The fact that the truck did make it to SEMA and appeared on TV (in non-functional form) was to satisfy marketing partner needs. A detailed post REPLY will follow on the forum.

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention

    Richard Waitas
    Senior Manager
    @Magnaflow | FB/magnaflow
    O: (949) 858-5900 ext 1174
    C: (949) 525-2147
    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  16. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS

    I had the same feeling for certain reasons...
  17. SinclairChevy

    SinclairChevy Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Keokuk, Iowa

    I'll just say that I hope Nate gets his stuff back... and soon.

    Best wishes, Nate.

  18. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Thank you all

    Including Jason who at least spoke up , richard OTOH , strung me along for several months then suddenly *vanished* and stopped taking my calls ~ this to me remains lying and thieving in addition to stealing .

    I DID NOT blame the builder , in fact I said it's a neat build .

    I sold my truck and that's that . I do not want any more $ .

    What I'd like are the three following items :

    Pasadena gardener's license plate

    Glass lens " STOP " lamp

    Vacuum fan from steering column .

    These are all just little things to your rich corporate guys but , they remain mine and have very important memories to me , they cannot be replaced .

    This old truck with it's things and oddball paint etc. , traveled well over 40,000 miles every year with me , my son and my lady in it , mostly working but also playing for 20 some years , no show rig you'll ever build will do 1/2 those miles .

    I guess I'm a whiny old man but that's life ~ at least no one lied to nor stole from you , nothing I have done or said is even remotely ' over the top ' unless basic honesty is no longer the right thing to do .
  19. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Basic Honesty IS over the top nowadays. Sadly.
    My wife started substitute teaching this year. She was told when she started that if there were problems, they would be let (them) know L-O-N-G before actions needed to be taken.
    My wife received an email from the assistant super here saying, "After numerous complaints, that (she was going to be let go)." Really??? No calling her in and saying we have received SOME complaints??? No calling her in and saying we have received MANY complaints?????
    No, we'll just wait and say goodbye. No need to explain~ Oh~ BTW, This fine feller told my wife that they (Superintendent AND assistant superintendent) thought I was a "Really Good Teacher." Pray for me, cause from what I can see from this is... I stand as good a chance of teaching as Nate does getting his stuff back. WHAT HAPPENED TO RESPECT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
    AND, HONESTY?!?!?!?!? REALLY?!?!
    Let's hear it for AMERICA! The one I said "Hell yes, I'd die for this"! as did all the others in uniform! This yayhoo NEVER served, but I guess he is feeling his "ENTITLEMENTS", no?
    I'm NOT sorry for the rant! We need to rant MORE about the way we keep getting molested over things we shouldn't be!
  20. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Nate, to guys our age, memories are everything! I know that in the past, we've discussed the importance of memories, experiences and the like. I really feel for you, not only for having to get rid of one of one of your favorite possessions, but for having to be strung along with empty promises. I wish the best for you!

    Jason, you need to understand that we are not mad at you personally. You were probably called in for damage control. At your tender age, you probably have no clue what memories mean, nor do you care as long as you get a paycheck. If you survive the corporate BS, you might learn. I hope you do. You seem to be polished, but polish fades, much like the finish of a vehicle if not properly cared for.

    A simple call from Richard would do a lot more to resolve this issue than any corporate reply, blessed by corporate lawyers! If the personal, and I stress, irreplacable items that he and Nate agreed upon are still in someone's possession, then send them back. If not, be upfront with Nate, and tell him that they were inadvertantly disposed of.

    My 3 cents, adjusted for inflation.


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