Tue. 5/14/2013 I'm not sure how you copied & pasted a post from richard that doesn't show up in this thread . FWIW , I made it 100 % clear how I felt before the truck left my hands , as I said , richard called me several times before the Revolver was finished then *poof* ! no more calls and my calls went un answered ~ there's no way to hang this on me , I was honest and haven't asked for anything new or extra . Off list richard has said he'll mail me my parts , if he does I will post that here. Russ , Martinus' English ia far better than my Norwiedjan.... . (SP, sorry) In closing allow me to remind all here that in life , sometimes you're the bug , sometimes you're the windshield .
The missing post was my fault--it was originally posted on page 2 but automatically hidden by the forum software by mistake, and I didn't catch that quickly enough. It was hidden until this thread was already well into page 4. My apologies for the confusion.
What about ethics or a good attitude ? ZIG . Your are talking about basic values as respect . Well i wanna ask you is this your way of being respectfull when you discribe a person you dont know at all in this way? As a teacher i am shore you have learned a lot about ethics and good attitudes towards other people , so i`ll suggest you practice that here to By the way i have written you an privat pm in this matter! Have a nice day at school with the kids Martinius. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Honesty IS over the top nowadays. Sadly. My wife started substitute teaching this year. She was told when she started that if there were problems, they would be let (them) know L-O-N-G before actions needed to be taken. My wife received an email from the assistant super here saying, "After numerous complaints, that (she was going to be let go)." Really??? No calling her in and saying we have received SOME complaints??? No calling her in and saying we have received MANY complaints????? No, we'll just wait and say goodbye. No need to explain~ Oh~ BTW, This fine feller told my wife that they (Superintendent AND assistant superintendent) thought I was a "Really Good Teacher." Pray for me, cause from what I can see from this is... I stand as good a chance of teaching as Nate does getting his stuff back. WHAT HAPPENED TO RESPECT?!?!?!?!?!?!?! AND, HONESTY?!?!?!?!? REALLY?!?! Let's hear it for AMERICA! The one I said "Hell yes, I'd die for this"! as did all the others in uniform! This yayhoo NEVER served, but I guess he is feeling his "ENTITLEMENTS", no? I'm NOT sorry for the rant! We need to rant MORE about the way we keep getting molested over things we shouldn't be!
Thanks mate! Nate good morning. I received an automatic mail from Richards office yesterday evening wich tells he is back in the office the 15.05.2013. I `ll hope you reach to a better understanding with him resulting in that you get your personal belongings back again. By the way do you remember the muppets show and the funny swedisch cook ? I like this caracter very much In my opinion a good sence of humor and laughter is amongs other values the gate to peoples hart . People at this forum support you in a democratic way until a final solution in this rather embarresing situation is found! Take care Martinius.
Improving my english ! Thanks Lakeroadster for the comment. I will try to do my my best to improve the written english. One of the reasons to particepate here at this forum is to do just that. Give me some feedback if anything of what i wright is unclear to you. Many of you good people have helped me on the matter allready and thanks for that. We are never to old to learn new things Martinius.
Bottom line here is we can believe Richard will send the items, we can believe he got off on another project and the issue went out of site out of mind. I believe to show very good faith the Company who bought the truck Magnaflow should have the items given to Nate in person, not mailed. Until Nate gets his personal items time moves on.
Martinius, I've been able to understand most all of your posts, by thinking things out, I believe most guys here are capable of understanding the meaning behind what you write. Personally, I think you do a great job for someone who doesn't speak/write English as their first language. I'm sure I can speak for the majority of the fellas here when I say that your English-as-a-second-language is far better than any of our Norwegian-as-a-second-language. I don't see the need for any sort of personal attacks in forums like these. To me, they detract from the intent of the forum. Credibility comes into question when keyboard cowboys get their skivvies in a knot and rant about things (or people especially) that are completely off topic or irrelevant. For what it's worth, I've always felt you try to help whenever possible. To me, folks like that are the essence of a message board or forum like ours. If we're not willing or able to help one another out with our problems, then the item(s), hobby, whatever it is for which the forum was founded... could die off. Anyway. I've watched this thread since it started and felt compelled to give my two cents. Most of you won't give a damn, and that's perfectly fine with me. Try to sit back and enjoy one another's company. There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't be nearly as far on my old Chevy build project if it wasn't for my girlfriend's dad, Jim (where you saw some photos of his shop in my build thread) and this group right here. I can't express to you how much I've learned here, and how much I appreciate the advice, experience, and/or encouraging words that you've shared with me over the past year and a half or so. Enjoy your day, gents. Damon
Well said Damon. I also have purchased items from Dead Zone Trucker Joe. Although the parts were very good, priced better than any other supplier I found, his customer service is severely lacking. I had a couple simple questions regarding shipping and the printed directions, which were met with anger and arrogance. I just chalked it up to the misinterpretation of the written word or a possible bad day. This being said, non of us know the Demons and hardship people have in there lives, so we should just have pity, compassion and tolerance for others. I agree this forum is invaluable for me and others who have limited expertise in working on our old rides. Don't be discouraged in asking questions or commenting on topics posted here. Most are willing to help. I greatly appreciate the advice I have received here. JW
Totally agree Normally i try, to avoid discussions like these, as i?m no native English speaking person, like Martinius, for example. If you "talk" via email, as we do here in this forum, you can?t see the other persons face nor his mood, he/she is in at that very moment. Just a small miss understanding or a translation mistake can lead to a bad conversation, which happened earlier in this thread. I also feel sad for Nate?s situation, but as i don?t know any background information about the story, i?d rather not stick my head out to far and accuse someone for something, i don?t have a clue off. I might sound like a smart ass here, but if it were me, the vehicle would not have left my property, without the personal parts removed and left in my garage, by Richard, a helping neighbour or someone else. After the cash was handed over, forget about anything that was discussed or promised before the sale. Same story worldwide, pay a tradesman, before he?s finished the job, he?s never gonna show up again, nor take your calls etc... This forum is really great and most members are very friendly and helpful and not arrogant, "stupid" questions are no problem also. Hopefully Nate gets back his promised parts, so he can happily share his huge knowledge about these fine old vehicles. My 0.2 cents. By the way, my wife and i are off to La-La land, home of fruit and nuts, as Nate always says, to see the beautiful country and at the end of the trip, stroll through Pomona, for some great truck parts
I always treat people with respect..... until they act like an A-Hole with me. I pick & choose who I do business with & I have zero tolerance for BullShXX. If you have a history of wasting my time & acting like a smart ass when requesting parts.... you get cut off & I won't deal with you anymore. Act like a gentleman & I will give you all the respect in the world. Act like an A-Hole & you get it right back in your face.... so before you accuse me of lacking in customer service..... take a good luck in the mirror at your own actions first. I have sold a lot of parts here & supplied a lot of technical info. here over the years & if you don't like the way I do business....no big deal, don't contact me. Martinius put a wanted ad here looking for an impossible to find passenger side rear fender with the dimple for the spare tire. I answered his ad stating I had one. After a week of answering his questions, taking pictures , sending emails, making phone calls & arranging elaborate plans to deliver the fender to his local contact, he stopped answering messages & never got back with me. I waited over a month & sent him a message wondering if he still wanted the fender. He said he sent the money but it got "stolen" in the mail {smells like B.S }. At least he didn't say his dog ate the check. If that was true why did he never send a message stating that ? I had other customers that wanted the fender but I told them it was already sold. Over a month later he said he didn't want the fender anymore. Why jack me around & waste hours of my time for over a month asking a million questions, requesting numerous pictures, making me call his contacts & making all these elaborate plans if he did not want the fender in the first place ? When you waste my time like this...... you get put on the blacklist. Then I see Martinius strutting around the site ranting & raving about fairness & morality & being a man of your words & it makes me laugh out loud. My rant is no different than Nate's rant bad mouthing all the companies & people involved with the Revolver truck build. If Nate's beef can be aired in public here..... I can air my beef here also. Deal with it.
Well said Damon. Damon Its good to know that people really care in a good way and show the repect and tolerance we deserve all. What you said today is something that i agree with Damon . But unfortunatly i am not able to express that in so well formulated terms as you do , not yet but i`ll hope i will later. JW 54 I , a privat pm is send to you. Thank you for your contribution and telling us your story. Elky , next time i am going to the states i want to visit La La land to see with my own eyes how life is there.Thanks for telling us about your tour discriptions and the experiences you had overthere. Pomona sound very intresting , is there any place in particulair you are visiting to find your parts ? Have a nice evening Martinius .
JW54 You are so mixed up..... you don't even know what year truck you have when you order parts ..... Then when you do finally figure out what year truck you have.... you still order the wrong parts for the wrong side & year of truck.... Some how all your fumbling around is supposed to be my fault. Then you try to "nickle dick" me around & offer 1/2 of what the parts are worth. Give me a break
I'm sorry Joe but you must have me confused with one of your disgruntled customers. I only bought the ring and pinion from you, nothing that was to be installed on a particular side of my truck. I never tried to negotiate a lower price. Your price was more than fair. For which I said thank you. I did find a better price on the part that I inquired about which I called the "the shifter box". The part that connects to the top of the steering column under the hood. You win some you lose some. By the way, I am not confused on what year my truck is. JW
Yea I remember that too JW54....You bought a ring & pinion kit that only fits 1941-1953 trucks & then you had to figure out a way to modify it to fit your 54 truck. You sent me rude, pushy & demanding messages after you received the ring & pinion { at a smokin' low price } & you wanted me to hold your hand & instruct you on how to install the gears in the rear end..... because you had no idea how to do it. Just because I pushed back in response to your rude & demanding messages & told you to take it to a qualified & competent mechanic to install the gears does not put me in the wrong. I saved you $175 on the price of ring & pinion & I even gave you FREE shipping ......& all you did was act like an A-hole about the whole transaction. No one ever complains that they never got the parts they ordered or they weren't happy with the quality. All the complaints come from guys who act like A-holes & then expect me to kiss their ass for the rest of my life because they bought a part from me. I am still waiting for a reply from Martinius on the fender.... he seems to only want to sneak around like a little girl & send "private messages" to everyone.
Case Closed Again with the insults, misinterpretation of the facts and high opinion of yourself. Good luck with your therapy.
Yea I am am sure you will think twice before stickin' your nose in something that does not concern you.