I have a Rochester BC carb below on a 235. I have a leak/crack just above where the fuel line goes into the top half of the carb. I am looking for another carb (junk) for parts or a complete rebuildable core that I may get a top casting from. It is from a late 50's or early 60's engine and has the stovepipe hot air choke on it. The carb works fine except for the hairline crack where it leaks. Would JB weld hold up to gas or would I just be wasting my time? Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks John
Some are on ebay right now, http://www.ebay.com/bhp/1-barrel-chevy-carburetor , http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_trk...ester+1+Barrell+Carburetor&_sacat=0&_from=R40 , or were.
JB weld No it does not work. JB weld is not the way to go here ! The Carter YF carbs are more reliable and better functional then the Rochester on your 235. Zenith or Stromberg is an alternative to but they cost some bucks. Martinius
Dead Rottenchester John ; That inlet was always a weak point , they cracked & died by the thousands when I were a lad working on these . Me , I'd go buy a $5.00 junker carby and fix whatcha got ~ The Host here sells Carter rebuilts for decent pricing and they're good rebuilts , not like the crap Pep Boys Et Al sells , bad cores and so on .
This one was cracked and helicoiled as well. I took the top section and had a friend heliarc the crack and then I milled the face off flush but never was able to get a tight face fit on the nut. It is now JB'd and I will keep a look out for another top casting or a rebuildable carb. Thanks Nate. John
I currently have it JB'd but I would need the top casting and the bronze nut that the fuel line attaches to. Thanks