Guys I started working on hubcaps this afternoon. I thought I read that the outside part of the cap was stainless. When I started to sand and polish I have brass showing through. Is this material chrome? I have worked on two and both have brass showing. The second was found on a truck in a field buried in the dirt. Am I painting? Thanks Papy
Papy, I'm pretty sure that all hubcaps back in the day were chrome plated skins on the outside. Most vendors sell a repop nowadays that is stainless.
Chrome ? In these days the original hubcaps had layers with nickel but not chrome. Chroming is modern and a complicated prosedure . First chemicall stripping , polishing and chrome bath .Its ofcourse more durable then nickel. To ad nickel is mostly cheaper. You could buy chrome spray paint wich gives quite a nice result aswell ! Martinius.
Early Hub Caps Actually m the steel outer cover was nickle plated then chromed , this is standard procedure as it provides a deep look to the chrome and the nickle is a barrier to the plain steel ~ when you have cheapo chrome directly plated to the steel it goes flat and grayish in color in a year or so . Proper chroming uses three coats, copper , nickle then chrome .
Brass Nate Not disagreeing with anyone here but it sure looked like brass under the shiny layer is that possible. Polished and clear coated brass moons would look cool. I'm not sure I have the patients for that! The "home chrome" looked cool. Anyone tried it? Papy
Chrome spray! Papy I have seen a friend of mine using it on someside covers. And it looks very good and is durable as other spray paint.I would let the shop advice you in the matter. If you have entrance to a paint box and could paint them there the result would be great.My son whom is a car painter of profession says dont use the hair blower as it can make spots or dust sticking to your fresh painted hubs. Martinius.
Thanks Blueflame. Not sure what I'll do yet. My son-In-law does my painting I'll ask him about it. Papy
Plating You're correct ; Steel , then copper plating to fill in the nicks , then nickle plated to provide the base shine and good adhesion . I can't write very well , sorry . -Nate