Robert, He is wonderful, Thanks for sharing that photo. It reminded me of my oldest grandson and all the hours I sat with him sleeping on my chest. Thanks
How cool!!! Great picture, Robert! Glad to hear your son is at Fort Walton! (Too bad he's not RED HORSE, otherwise he might be coming TDY to Langly, like I did.) Congratulations again, big guy!
That's an awesome photograph, Robert! Thanks for sharing your grandson with us. I'm sure he's well on his way to being spoiled, just from the looks of it. Damon
823rd CES RED HORSE is an acronym. It stands for... Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineers (a little redundant, but they were trying to make it fit, I think~) The only time we "worked" was when we went TDY to another base. We were a combat engineering outfit trained also in runway repair and perimeter defense. We were know as an outfit that has hard working and hard drinking. Something I loved living up to! (still do~ ) That's how I got up to Langly. We went up there to remove a commissary and do interior work on a headquarters building. I loved watching the fighters there take off and climb straight up while rolling and come out of their climb upside down. Tough stuff!