So, the reassembly portion of the project is slowly starting. At some point I'm going to reinstall all the bits behind the dash. One thing I don't want to do is put the vacuum wiper motor in there and then learn that it doesn't work. How would I go about testing the motor while it is out of the truck to see if it works correctly? I live in a dry climate and don't expect to need wipers very often. If the vacuum motor doesn't work I might consider switching to an electric setup, but if it works I'd be set. -- Harry
Hook it up to a vacuum source if the truck runs hook it up turn it on if it works bolt it in or hook it up to a vacuum source on another vehicle that runs.
Well, duh, I should have thought of that myself! Is it pretty much all or nothing? I mean does it either work rather silently or leak/not work? Sorry if that's a silly question, but I've never dealt with a vacuum motor before.
if the vacuum motor (crazy inside, a big flap that gets pulled back and forth) is tired, it'll work slow and jerky- theres a place (Ficken Wiper Service- who can freshen it for you.
Vacuum Wipers Harry ; I kept the vacuum wipers on my '49 until I sold it ~ unless you or the PO had the wiper motor rebuilt , save your self some time and money , send it off to Ficken Wiper Service in New York now , I guarantee it's dead or so slow the wipers will be useless .
Thanks! Thanks for the help, everyone. Looks like the old motor needs to visit the Wiperman. -- Harry
Or try putting some ATF inside of it through the vacuum port and work it back and forth I did this and mine works like "new"