SM465 tranny . 1958 3100 front axle with 6 lug Bendix brakes ~ all the parts you need to upgrade your old pre '51 Chevy to better , SAFER Bendix brakes . Axle is bent . There may be some other things too , I'm cleaning out my back yard and scrapping out barrel fulls of old VW Parts , that's all worthless but I hope someone wants the GM truck parts . In Pasadena , Ca.
Bendix Brakes Sorry Robert ; Drum brakes . I already tossed out some AD window lifts door latches , I have an AD grille guard (maybe two different) and front bumper but both need re chroming , those will be sold .
thanks thanks Nate was not sure if the 58s had disc brakes dont need any of the other stuff unless you come across a visor or a duel carb manifold. Thanks Robert
Wouldn't happen to have door hinges, do you? I know I need driver's side lower, maybe others as well. Oh, and if you happen to have a 261, holler at me...
Bendix Brake Parts Yes I do *BUT* I want this whole axle , loaded , to go at one time . No door hinges . I was exercising in my favorite junkyard to - day and the '51 is still there , doors are gone but it has a nice complete 6 lug rear end that'll use an open drive shaft and bolt up to the AD chassis . for me , this would have been a must grab item . It also has a 235 engine with solenoid operated starter and dual action fuel pump . It figures I'd begin finding good stuff just as my involvement with 235 powered vehicles comes to an end . The near perfect , RUST FREE 1969 C series , low hump cab is still there although it's been picked clean . Sigh . I even have offers of help to get it but , no trailer and no where to store it a year or so until I'm well enough to get back to having it installed . Bummer this .
If the rear backing plates are the same as the front, I have a pair, complete with new wheel cylinders, shoes, and brake spring kit. Front drums as well, if anyone is in need, (without hubs).
pap Nate is the bedstill on the 51 in the junk yard I need a few cross sils What pap is it the one in sunland might have to take a little field trip to the junk yard I sent you my phone number on a pm I know you don't answer them but number is there Robert
AD In P-A-P Robert ; I'm not sure if the bed sills are there or not , I wasn't paying any attention . It's in the Myrtle yard , I-10 to Peck Road North , it changes to Myrtle right where the yard is , on your left (West) side before Lower Azusa Road . Good luck hunting ! . I do answer PM's occasionally , most of the time the message is better shared in the forums .
Junker AD's Oh great , NOW anyone cares ~ I've been posting the AD's that once in a while show up in the So. Cal. P-A-P Yards but no one ever seems to care.... There's an AD panel truck in there that'll come out in 2014 , no rear doors of course .
"It figures I'd begin finding good stuff just as my involvement with 235 powered vehicles comes to an end ." This statement confuses and concerns me. It sounded like the upcoming surgery was a temporary hiatus from inline sixes, and that you'd be back in the Truckin' game after the recovery period. Please say you're not selling your truck? Either way, will hold you in prayer during surgery and recovery.
Old & Broken Up Well ; The '49 3100 in my avatar got sold off because I needed an automatic tranny , I'm getting too busted up to work a clutch any more . Not to worry , I still have a basic anvil on wheels , my 1969 Chevrolet C/10 stepper short bed with 250 CID I6 engine . I have a TH350C with lockup torque converter tranny and a low mileage takeout 292 long stroke I6 I need to service , dress appropriately (it won't look like a late model engine when I get done) and install so I'll be here a while yet unless Kaiser kills me as they've done to two of my buddies wives in Post Op So far I've been really happy with Kaiser . I'll just be OffLine a while I guess . As far as L.A. area AD's & 235's etc. , I used to post them whenever I found them , last year I even found a '56 Canadian Pontiac with the 261 for only $200 and guess what ? no body was interested so I simply stopped mentioning them . Now I see some interest I'll once again mention them as I find them . -Nate