Please buy insurance. I had a bad insurance experience with my daughters 1st truck and decided screw them. You can always sic a lawyer on a lousy insurance company if you bought the insurance. Before & after
Dadgumit That sux Willard . Id' prolly drag it into the back yard (Code Enforcement hates me allready) and fill it with catus or flowers , save the reminder... As long as no one got hurt , you're ahead of the game . I do feel your loss having been there .
Building Fire or truck fire? My worst nightmare. Sorry about your losses Willard, but as long as no one was injured, around here we just chalk it up to "it was just stuff". Hurricanes have taught us this. If it was a truck fire, would a power cut off switch averted have the fire? I see these used of boats and race cars to keep batteries disconnected when not in use. Truly regretful. Jim
Rats! Buy the Insurance!!! Probably rats chewing on matches. Had 10-15 gal gas, 50 rattle cans, 10 gal paint. The building I built 18-yr ago. Never any wiring problem, circuit breaker panel. The air compressor was on auto and a security light. A new battery charger may have been on. The wiring harness was less than a year old. When 250 gals of butane pop off valve opens on a big fire, it is a sight to be seen. Also lost a 40 John Deere tractor & the front clip to my 57 Chevy. It is MUCH better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. Some where out there is a non butchered AD that needs a new owner.
That Sucks Willard - Sorry for your loss. You have the right attitude. Insurance & power cut-off switch are good ideas...glad you made it through fine and are OK.
may be worth a claim on your home's policy? I assume you are speaking of not having any AUTO insurance? If that is the case, then it looks like this truck was in a building on your property and not too far from the house by looking at that one picture. Assuming you have homeowner's (or renter's) insurance, it may be worth asking your agent if that building and it's contents were covered under the policy. A $500 or even $1000 deductible might be well worth it. If you aren't carrying ANY insurance, then I just don't know what to tell ya. Sorry to hear about it and good luck to ya.