I don't think so. Mine is not any noisier slowing down. Call Gene at restorationhydramatics.com and get his input.
Hydromatic Drive It depends on what you consider really noisy . The shifting tends to be more abrupt than other automatics but that's a very good thing , part of why they last forever .
Put it into neutral and then slow down. Is it still "real noisy"? Remember that these trannies have a rear pump that works off of the output shaft any time the truck is in motion. It makes noise that is hard to hear over normal engine noise, but is pretty obvious with zero throttle, especially out of gear.
Ill try the neutral thing. It shifts good no slipping just when im slowing down feels like the truck is going to rumble apart but only as im slowing could it be brakes ? Or someting else im missing
Drive axle unbalanced Hey there You could drive a bit first and have a helper from inside the cabin to use a kind of stetoscope on the surface of the gearbox to locate the noice ? Then I `ll suggest you`d lift the entire truck up from the ground with the rear free-wheeling, stay in the truck and start up the truck , then put it in 1st and second gear and back to neutral and listnen if there still is any noise ? Maybe the axle knots ( u-joint) are worn out and have become unbalanced , check this out using your hands if there is any play in them ? These mecanicall issues can give a resonance in your gearbox when gearing Down ? Martinius.
How do you get in to check the u joint ? Fluid was low that helped some. But still loud when slowing down speeding up is no problem at all
Torque Tube U-Joint You have to drain it then slide back the forward part of the torque tube to see ~ then checkthe bushing for slop as well as the trunnions for wear , slop and loose bolts . It's *very* common for the tiny bolts holding the trunnions to the yoke , to come loose .
play U joint ? I am not excactly shore how much play is acceptable in the U- joint trunnions . Our host have repair kits if needed. Good Luck