Bought a 67 lid on my sm-420. Nice. I have reverse lights. Problem. Transmission jumps out of third gear. What did I do wrong? Thanks in advance
I just read that the shift forks on the new lid are different or worn. The original lid shifted fine. Are the lids and shift forks different between a 1954 and a 1967 sm-420 transmission? Again, thanks
Oh , Crap You shoulda see the cherry City truck I took it off of ~ original paint etc. if you're not happy , return it for a full refund .
Don't worry Nate. I'm not complaining. Still happy. I will make it work. I am just trying to solicite information. I will be calling on you for other parts.
Used Parts I just want you to be happy . I'd remove the lid and invert it , compare both sets of forks ~ one may have gotten tweaked a bit , it doesn't take much . I you want anything else you saw back there you'd best get to it pronto ~ I put a whole tuck full of vintage parts out for scrap to - day , I'm in a cleaning mood .
Thanks. I will do as you suggest. I plan to look at the pins that hold the forks on. Just a hunch. I would like to come up and pull the gears out of that rear end you have leaning against the garage and count the teeth. Thanks Nate
Parts Hood finally got sold , sorry . Maybe during the week of 12 16/17 as I go under the knife Wednesday 12/18 .