Any body know what PN# to use when ordering the pertronix ignition system for a 235 engine? I was also going to replace the coil at the same time. Any info on this or your experience would be helpful. Nate how are you feeling these days? Thanks Dave.
dorcutt, The system of mine has the flame thrower coil on it I do not have the part #'s, somewhere in my posts Nate talks about the plugs to use and their gap needed. My 235 gets on down the road with that system in it. Of course the guys that rebuilt my engine put back stock # plugs and that is just another item I have to redu because of friendly help. The pertronics site should have the #'s their or any parts house that carries that product. Good Luck.
Pertronix Ignitor Part number ? I dunno but I use these in some of my oldies . if you copy the Delco part # off the tag on your dizzy and send it to Pertronix , they'll tell you which one to use . Remember : they make 6 and 12 volt versions , negative or posative grounds and if you have a key operated starter (or push button) you'll maybe want to use the one with a by pass circuit and different coil . I all cases you'll want to open the spark plug gaps to .035" ~ .040" . I don't find the system needing the ' flame thrower ' coil necessary ~ the Ignitior drives the stock coil to maximum output for instant starts hot or cold and good running in smoky old worn out engines .
Pertronix part # The 1168 series fits the 216 & 235 with the new style distributor. 1954-1962 Chevy 6 with standard single point ignition, except with dist. # 1112314 1168n6 (negative ground 6 volt) 1168p6 (positive ground 6 volt) 1168n12 (negative ground 12 volt) 1168p12 (positive ground 12 volt) The 1167 series fits the 216 & 235 with the old style distributor. Up to 1953 1167n6 1167p6 1167n12 1167p12 I'm using the 1168n6. It was easy to install and makes a world of difference. Be sure to shop around because prices vary.
I like them alot and have them on everything including a straight 8 Buick, a flathead Chrysler 6 in a forklift, a 55 V8 Chevy, and my wifes 302 powered fishing truck. Also have the Mallory (or is it Accel ?) points eliminator in a flathead Ford which also seems good. It's hard to imagine but two local FLAPS--Auto Zone and Oreilly's don't even stock points anymore. Cold weather starting isn't really a problem here but the maintenance free factor is nice. We used to use the Chrysler electronic set up in other distributors or graft HEI tops to Ford, Chrysler, Packard, etc., bottoms but for $80 the problem is gone and the same distributor is used rather than one with a very large top which can get in the way of things around it.
While I really like the set-up which was put on when the 6 to 12 volt change over took place, at the time I asked the guys in Orange to give me the internal resister coil, with all the other stuff I bought that day, they did not, and I did not check it before putting it on and driving it , so I went and bought the Pertronix System with Flame Thower coil. Lately, I have been eyeing Langdon's Stovebolt Mini HEI they have, with optional round coil for the HEI. Anyone using it? Then again I'm always looking for the better deal.
Just a thought as I don't know what it takes to make it work but the later 6 cyl GM HEI system is a great unit. Used them in 258 AMC Jeep motors w/a dizzy gear swap. You might research the HEI but the pertronix unit is also a good quality swap.