I knew someone was lying or never actually works on Advance Design Trucks Here's the actual 1948 / 1949 Light duty truck wiring diagram and Lo ! there's no horn relay..... Facts & truth will always trump drunken envious rantings .
Page received Skeeter Last time we had this debate... "Irate Nate" blew a brain gasket & relegated himself to hurling childish insults while effectively destroying his credibility in the process as he just can't handle it when someone challenges him when he spews incorrect information.... I already feel kinda guilty that Nate has fixated himself on this topic for so long now while he has layed awake at night having this topic swirling around in his head & allowing it to eat away at him. . I don't want to challenge the information again as I don't want to be responsible for Nate having a full blown mental meltdown coupled with a brain aneurysm this time around. In the name of civility & {Nate's mental health}.... Lets just let him think he got this one right & move on to the next topic .
I think oops was started just today. I believe Nick closes threads or the person starting the thread can close a thread by deleting it, but others can not post to it.