To install signals or not to install signals?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by bowtiesr4me, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. bowtiesr4me

    bowtiesr4me Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    Evington VA. USA
    You guys know 1948 chevy did not come with signal switches and I know it can be dun, but Do I want to? I like the originality of not having them until somebody gets up behind me to read the bolt pattern on my rear end:eek:.
    I only drive my truck when its NICE outside mainly weekends, so what do ya'll think? Should I install signals or not?:confused:
    Thanx for your advice!
  2. 52wasp

    52wasp Member

    Jul 21, 2006
    Wilton, New Hampshire
    just my opinion, but

    I strongly suggest turn signals. Not for YOU, but for the OTHER guy.

    "I didn't know he was turning, he just had his hand out the window!"

    My '53 will certainly have them, and the rears will be LED for increased visibility.
  3. 1951chevy1ton

    1951chevy1ton Member

    Dec 10, 2010
    Near Sleepy Eye MN
    Turn Signals in 2014

    Given the amount of traffic out there and their general inpatients, I think turn signals are a no brainer. Who wants to risk your left arm out the window doing hand signals and would the ID10T behind you understand what message you are conveying. Just my opinion and with my opinion and a buck and a half you can still get a cup of coffee in some places.
  4. HotRod53

    HotRod53 Member

    Dec 7, 2013
    I agree people today can't even count change without help what makes you think they would understand a hand signal. there's my 2 cents worth
  5. Lakeroadster

    Lakeroadster Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Central Colorado
    I don't have turn signals on my old '27 roadster or my Model A... this is the stuff you deal with:

    My grandfathers driveway was on a blind hill. I was making a left turn into his drive, had my left arm out to signal to the guy coming toward me I was turning left. The guy stopped to talk to me, he thought I was flagging him down. I drove on up the road, turned around and made a right turn into his driveway.

    As Forest Gump would say "Stupid is as stupid does".

    I'd suggest installing turn signals on your truck.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
  6. 50 Chevy LS3

    50 Chevy LS3 Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    Yes yes yes

    I drive 400-450 miles a day on 2 lane roads. People are STUPID today what with cell-phones, driving on drugs which includes illegal, prescription, alcohol etc.
    Anything that will MAYBE help get their attention is an absolute!!!
    Keep it original if all your gonna do is drive in a parade.
    Also, LEDS are brighter and show up better if you want to retain the small original-style tailights
    I'm tellin'ya, I've seen people doing EVERYTHING while driving from the cab of my Kenworth.
  7. 50 Chevy LS3

    50 Chevy LS3 Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    sorry but, this too.

    Sory about topic drift but, if any of you guys have kids or grandkids please harp at them to NEVER TEXT AND DRIVE!!!
    I have a near head-on encounter with a teenager (mostly girls) about every 7 working days.
    It's so bad I've told my wife if they ever pull my dead body out of my truck that left a 2-lane road, don't believe it when the cops say I fell asleep. I most likely just avoided a texting teen.
  8. durangoroadboss

    durangoroadboss Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    Durango Colorado
    Turn signals

    Absolutely - for the safety of you and your truck. An accident may not be your fault, but if it might have been prevented by turn signals, why go through the possibility of personal injury and damage to your truck? If the other motorist is uninsured, it's more of a hassle.

    In every state, the legal system employs the concept of contributory negligence - you may have not caused the accident, but if you did something or failed to do something that contributed to the accident or the extent of the accident, you might be held partially responsible. So in a serious accident a court could easily find that your failure to install a basic, inexpensive and universally recognized safety device, turn signals, might have contributed to the accident and hold you partially responsible even though the accident was caused by someone else.

    My 1952 3100 is stock and I wanted to keep it that way. If you use a double-contact bulb in the front parking lights along with the double-contact that is already in the rear for the parking lights/brake lights, you will retain stock appearance. I found an old Signal-Stat 900 turn signal assembles in a junk yard for $5 and it looks right at home inside the truck; it even has an emergency flasher. You have to remember to cancel the signal, but it works great and I feel better knowing the signals are flashing, even when I hang out my arm to signal. If you have an aftermarket wire harness, the necessary wires are likely already there and if not, you would need to run a couple of new wires. I found the wiring diagrams for the Signal-Stat on-line. Good luck.

    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
  9. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    They were installed long ago, so they would not be considered a modern add on. If you look on ebay, there are several that even have a little rubber wheel that self cancels. I found 2 Allstates for around $15-20 each. They look the part and don't look like the ones everyone else has. That said, the signal stat 900 is the most available and easiest to install with instructions.
  10. bowtiesr4me

    bowtiesr4me Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    Evington VA. USA
    Thanx Folks!
    N the process of installing now but come to look up guide to install my YANKEE TURNFLEX.
    If not the off to e-bay.
  11. morabuffalo

    morabuffalo Member

    May 23, 2012
    Albuquerque, NM
    To be or not to be

    I have often thought about this...I don't like having some dumb "retro" flashlight and other stuff getting in the way. But it would also be lots safer than not having it. So, this is what I did...

    Since I pull a vintage trailer, which is set up like a 63, I too thought long and hard on the turn signals...What I finally did was put in a little hot wire from a live wire to the wire that goes out from the brake switch...I put a little on demand switch in line with it and put it with some silicone in the little space between the column and the dash.

    Now, when ever I feel unsafe(with or with out my trailer attached) or to use as a "back off bugaloo" , or as a signal that I might be turning, I hit it a couple of times and warn the people in back of me. I don't necessarily turn or I might...something might be happening in front of me and I need to warn people in back...or "danger, danger, danger(as that robot used to say)". I don't even many times take the foot off of the gas!

    I sure feel safer with it...and it is not even noticeable...because it is black and in that dark little space. It seems to have worked for me and it is now almost automatic on any turns or slow downs.

    My two cents...trying to stay as original as possible...Ha,Ha...

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