Need Help

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Roberto, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. Roberto

    Roberto Member

    Feb 24, 2014
    Hi everyone, my name is Roberto I?m in Denver, Co.
    How do I start?
    Ok I hope I?ll do this right. First I know you all like to see pictures, I?ll try to upload some I am very shame because I don?t have a good shots of the truck and also I?m new on the new technology. That?s why took me so long to introduce myself, because am afraid to do this wrong. I have been reading a lot on your forums about how to swap the 73 to 87 c10 pickup front end suspension, which sound very easy to do it. Well I went ahead and print the uncut step by step version by Zig I believe, so far everything was working fine until I get to the steering box sector. I was so sure that I can do it myself but I guess not without more of your help. So my questions on this are. They anybody have pictures or explanations of how to mount that steering box, what kind of metal plate to use because the steer box is taller than the stock frame also have a little belly, means is not flat on the base where it seat on the frame also do I need u joints on the steering column, do I need another cross member by the steering box to prevent splitting the frame, and what about the bracket for the front bumper. After all this swap really works?
    By the way it?s a 1950 Chevy 3600. I am planing to drop a 350 engine with a 350 turbo transmission. I'll thanks in advance to everyone look forward to hear from you all.

    Attached Thumbnails
  2. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Welcome aboard, enjoy your ride while here.
  3. HotRod53

    HotRod53 Member

    Dec 7, 2013
    Hey Roberto, welcome aboard. I am doing the same swap and have some of the same questions you do. I have posted messages on other boards and if I get any info from those I will pass it on to you.
  4. Roberto

    Roberto Member

    Feb 24, 2014
    You know I feel like I'm getting a big family Here!!! Thanks for welcome.
  5. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    WELCOME, Roberto! I'm not on here much during the school year, but I try to make up for it during the summer. ;)
    How 'bout those pictures, eh?
    (Just writing "attached thumbnails" doesn't count.)
  6. Roberto

    Roberto Member

    Feb 24, 2014
    Hey John thanks for your reply. I think I figure it out thanks for the good advise I went ahead and take a look of mobileortho pictures. can you do me a favor and, can you ask mobileortho this question if I really need to cut my cross member. How are you doing with your project I hope doing well thanks.
  7. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    Definitely put a crossmember near the steering box. With the truck sitting still you can watch the left frame rail flex as you turn from side to side without one. For the "belly" on the gear box we split a piece of pipe lengthwise and weld into a slot cut into the frame rail. You just need a small arc of pipe to give the needed clearence. Here's a picture of one done this way.

    Attached Files:

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