Recieved a bulletin from Microsoft stating it's support of Windows XP ends next month. Also saw on the AOL opening welcome that this could endanger millions of pc's, ATM's, and infrastructure controls. Question is: what does Windows support consist of? Will it mean one can't access the internet? Thank you; Evan
No, it means that Microsoft will not be issuing updates for XP or any Microsoft software running on XP. Also, if you call with a problem, the answer will be "upgrade to Win 8".
There will be no more updates. Use will be exactly what you use it for now. I've installed Windows 7 on a few old XP laptop systems. After jumping thru a few hoops finding correct drivers for video, wireless, etc. It seems to work just fine. Then again, systems are rather inexpensive to start with something new. Windows 8 on new purchases can be problematic (the desktop) for some, but a $5 workaround can get around those interface problems and make it work like Windows 7.
Warning: Upgrading from XP required our whole office to purchase new printers, regardless of how new or old they were. Ditto at home. Seems like a conspiracy to me.
I've backed up all my files, off the computer, and am waiting to see what happens.... I agree with Larry to some extent.
Evan, if your XP system is connected to the internet, you should upgrade it. After April (2014), Microsoft will not be providing security updates to the public. Custom support can be purchased, but it is about $200 per computer for the first year, and more ever year after. You can upgrade to Windows 7 for less than that. Without these needed security patches, you are leaving yourself open for "attacks" on your computer. Think personal information, compromised accounts for sites you log into, banking info, etc. I do this sort of thing for a living (system administration), and you really would be doing yourself a favor by upgrading. And regardless what some will say (about then having to upgrade your printer, other devices, etc), you can't expect to run old equipment and still be protected from the threats on today's internet. And by old equipment I mean equipment that is only supported on legacy operating systems such as Windows XP. PM me if you have more questions.
Got news for everyone, this will cause all kinds if crap. New printers and the list goes on. None of the special programs will work w/h seven or eight just ask some of the cities or special districts having to switch over. It is a money issue and we are getting hosed, in more ways than one.
Yes this means no more tech support, your on your own. Also yes no more updates even though none of these operating systems is a 100% in perfect working order. As long as your old stuff works your fine. If someone else has upgraded and send the upgraded version to you it won't work. Like if they use a newer word program. If your system is complete they will work for the time being. This is just like a conspiracy, it's Microsofts way of forcing you to buy the newer product, notice I said newer not better. Lol after all how can Bill Gates retire on 65 billion?
'Puter Fun My old gateway cheapo lap top died so I picked up an HP Compaq 8510 W out of the trash @ work and set it up , installed Windows 7 after all the "puter Heads I know , warned me away from Windows 8 . I know bupkis about 'puters but all seems well and it interfaces easily with everything . I assume I'll soon have to upgrade this old junky desk top I built out of trash parts too , where can I buy legitimate copies of Windows 7 cheaply or at least affordably ? . TIA ,
Windows 7 Pro Thank you ! . The AGV has stopped working correctly on this unit so I need to address it ere long , sadly my budget has crashed so no $ to spend .
If you haven't upgraded: