When I dissembled the truck I carefully bagged all the parts and labeled them .... now I can't find the nut and bolt to hold the starter in. Would someone tell me what size-thread etc the nut and the bolt are for my 51 216? Can't seem to find a nut that matches the thread of the existing stud. Haasman
1/2 inch fine thread nut for the stud and 1/2 inch course thread for the bolt. Both the stud and bolt had an internal tooth lock washer from the factory. A "banana" curved 3/4 starter wrench sure helps with the upper nut.
As a rule anything going into cast iron is course thread and into steel is fine thread---back in the old days. The stud is course thread where it screws into the cast iron bellhousing and fine where it screws into the steel nut.
OK, got it. I'll tuck that one away. Appreciate it. These trucks are so simple, yet it is often easy to get confused! Haasman