Can someone instruct me on how to remove the shift from the transmission cover? I can obviously get the cover off but uncertain how to remove the floor shifter. (I want to clean off the chipped paint) Haasman
shifter tricker That little thing can get tricky...I take some vice grips and set them to just inside the thin cap square...I press down a couple of time to break any locks on it...sometimes just stand on it. Then, with both hands pressing down turn counter clockwise about half an inch... They at times are a pain and then suddenly while just thinking about pops out with ease. Good luck...while off, be sure to cover with a rag or plastic and rubber band. rod
Rod: I use channel lock pliers the same way for the job, I just couldn't explain how. You did much better than I did.
I used channel locks and just as described worked great. Found the the retaining color needed to be push down a couple of times before twisting it off. Having a replacement from our host was helpful in understanding how it was held in place and how much of a turn was needed to release. Haasman
Just did it! The reason I sound all so smart is only because I just did the pins...oh, check the pins, I had 6 inches of play to one two inches total...I redid the pins. replacement??? I called all over trying to find replacement parts for the found some? What did you find? What are the stock numbers? They told me I needed to buy a whole new/used transmission. rod
The only replacement part I've found for the floor shifter was the cap, the one we've been talking about. Our site host has them. ..... of course buy a whole trans when all you need are $10 of parts. wow ...
Try these guys when looking for SM420 parts:
SM420 Parts The sad thing is : this robust tranny often gets tossed in the scrap pile at junkyards because they're so damn greedy . A while back I was in a yard that had 30 + of these fine transmissions stacked up $500 each , yeah right . Behind the office was one good one disassembled in a dirty pool of oil and dirt , it was in amazingly good shape , not sure why they took it apart but they refused to sell even one part off it , instead it sat there for a year or two , got all rusty then went in the scrap pile like the rest . Shame on you greedy assholes .