I have from a '51 3100 Chevy pickup- 2 front fenders 2 rear fenders 2 bedsides All are in very good condition: No rust through, small bumps and dents, all have been primed. They would need of course some body work to be presentable. Can anyone suggest a good asking price for these? I live in northern California, an hour south of SF. Haasman
Sheet Metal Look up what the brandy new ones co$t and figure about 1/2 the price . Original sheet metal is always better but it co$t$ a lot to have those little bumps taken out . Most folks are too cheap to fix the better , original fenders . Adding clear , well lit photos to adverts will get you more responses . Both sides ,front and back .
Following Nate's Lead I'd second Nate's advice unless they are really nice. Then they'll be worth more than the repro parts. Nothing fits better than OEM, especially OEM that's actually been on a vehicle. Most of the aftermarket parts miss the crisp lines, fit, finish and correct sheet metal guage thickness as compared to OEM
What are they worth? What are they worth? What are they worth? What are they worth? Well, it is not that simple to answer...there are simple mathematical formulas that can be used, but.....there is a big but to any of the mathematical formulas that you may use. (Oh, let me interject here that I have a little time to kill.) First, what are they worth to you? That is the biggest question and most important one to answer. Next, the general info that Nate says is true, but factor into that, that the left front fender is only worth pi over 2 as much as the right front fender. You might be scratching your head about that one...but go to any swap meet and you will see 3-5 left fenders for every right fender and in gaboualk times better shape than the left. Yes, I and a few of the more "cured" guys think original steel and parts are much better(which they are), but there are many more young-uns everyday that want perfection, or what they think is perfection and will buy new and even plastic or tin new. Then the back fenders have their own considerations. Of course this is all garbish information without pictures(very detailed and clear) or actually seeing them because then the rust factor comes into account and the dent factor and the crunch factor and the many layers of bondo and bubble gum factor, and the magnet factor. Then there is the distance or shipping factors to consider. Which sometimes off set the paranoid "I might get hit tomorrow and need a spare fender factors". Unless they are super solid and weight the specific gravity weight of the official Chevrolet Weights and Measurements Chart that was put out for that year, and unless a pedigre chart for the them being 1951 fenders and nothing less, and unless they have not been brazed, they probably will be less than 50percent the value as published in current periodicals. Again, it comes down to "What are they worth?" .......to you! OK, the wife is back....gottogo....rod
Used Fenders & price You could ask Joe (DeadzoneTruckin) he is dealing in that sort of parts , send him a pm. But really nice fenders without any rust and primed they `ll go for 500 dollar and more depending on the model truck and size you want to buy! Found this EBAY Ad. on unrestored items. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_sacat=0&_nkw=1948+chevy+truck+front+fender&_frs=1. Martinius