Okay Guys Question as you all know that have followed my story. I disassembled everything in my truck at least 9 yrs ago and no pictures taken. I need a picture on how to hook up the wiper arms under the dash to the motor. I've tried putting them in and can't figure it out. I know its got to be easy but drawing a blank. Help a Girl out.. PLZ
Shorter arm to the drivers side, long to passenger. Mount the wiper motor to the 2 bolts and bracket under the dash. The rocker with the 2 poles sticking off the motorgoes to the top. slip the wiper transmission arms over the poles and there is a clip with a spring running between 2 washers that slip over the poles and grab the grooves in the poles to lock the transmissions into place.
wiper motor assembly Thanks for posting those pictures,Tubby. That's good info. that people don't think about till the very end of the project. Ill be keeping those for future reference.