I am installing a vintage spot light in my in '51. Does anyone have interior photos of what it looks like coming through the A pillar? There has been a lively discussion regarding whether the shaft crosses into the channel that holds the interior trim piece. Haasman
I only use the original GM Guide spotlights on my trucks but the mounting procedures are the same for both the Unity & the Guide lights.... Scariest part of the install is drillin' that big ass 1/2" hole through the pillar. Don't forget that the wires for the gas tank sending unit & the dome lamp are run through that pillar. I like to use a piece of split loom wire cover & slide it up through the pillar over the wires to protect them while you drill.
That depends on the outside bracket used & placement of that bracket on the outer pillar. There were several different brackets used & if you have the wrong outside bracket.... the shaft of the lamp will pop through in different locations on the inside of the pillar. Lets see some pictures of your Unity lamp so we can tell if you have the correct parts for the install to begin with.
Spot Light Installation What Joe said ~ Unity still has and gives away free , the mounting and drilling templates , you use it to mark the A Pillar then you mount the exterior chrome bracket , slide in a bushing and use that to accurately drill the hole . As Joe said , detail what model light you're using before you do anything else Whenever we install a random spot light , we just measure things first then use the exterior bracket with a bushing as a drill guide ~ this allows the clean installation of pretty much any spotlight to any vehicle . MIND THE WIRES ! .
I used the template sent to me from Unity. I spoke with customer support. They said the interior location is correct. My concern is with the interior location of the hole through the A-pillar. Should the hole be in the middle of the channel, as seen in the picture below. I used their install kit and located the exterior mounting bezel as per the instructions. Is this correct? I tried moving the exterior mounting foot and it seems there really is only one place to locate it on the outside of the A-pillar. Appreciate your opinions here .... Confused and currently, not illuminated!
What model unity spotlight do you have? Was there any stamped numbers under the base of the outside bracket? Did you use the base as a drill guide? http://chevy.oldcarmanualproject.com/accessories/1951am/51aim72.htm
-I have a Unity model S6 -I will check the base of the bracket for stamped numbers -The base was used along with the Unity template for the install. I did look at the accessories manual (as per the link) but if this image is correct then for some reason the template or the base is incorrect. I presume that this image is a downward view of the cross-section of the A-pillard. The red arrows are where the channel would be? Haasman
Drill template should of been #25 Bottom of the base should be stamped with a 25. And a L I don't believe the hole should travel through the windless track I found the reproduced template was off when reprinted The base holes on the tmpate didn't line up with the hoes in the base https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30524403/Unity-Spotlight-B-128_TEMPLATE.pdf
Thanks for your help on this Tubby. I did use that template, received it from Unity. I am going over to validate that the bottom of the base is stamped with a 25. And a L I agree. That is the issue I am concerned about. Maybe indeed it is the incorrect mounting base that Unity sent me with their install kit. Haasman
You might be ok Only a trial fit will tell The interference might be the mirror or hood when raised. Steering wheel? Not sure if the passenger base is the same as the drivers base. Check for stamped marking on the base
Yes, a bit concerned about all these, but I think the angle is good for the hood. Will trial fit the mirror (another good suggestion). I am away from the truck at the moment but I will look at the base shortly and see what the markings are on it. Thanks again for helping me think through this. Haasman
I agree with Nate... { I think I remember him saying once that he used to install spotlights on cop cars when he was a fleet service guy}. I have parted out a lot of trucks over the years & I do remember seeing a lot of spotlight holes that came right through the middle of the windlace track just like yours. I would call it good & install the lamp...... Would have been a lot easier if the windlace was already installed in the track & you had drilled through it to.... so.....expect to do a lot of cussing when you are installing the windlace into the track. Hopefully you are using the short shaft spotlight {or the lamp handle might protrude too far into the cab & be in your way when cranking on the steering wheel}. I have seen a lot of bent up spotlight housings & bent hoods caused by spotlight clearance problems. Many times you can't open the hood unless the lamp lens face is turned facing down & the lamp head is cranked up as close to the body as you can get. .
Thanks Joe, that is also very helpful. So it sounds like this is the correct position. I am going to mount the sport and the door to double-check. Have a good weekend. Thanks again for your help on the part I needed and for being so kind to my daughter and and her boy friend. Haasman
That is pretty much where they usually end up. I have them on both pillars and they came out about there.....course, I didn't template them and drilled them for the mounts I found at swap meets.
Spotlamp Install Looks good to me . We installed them on Cop Cars , Fleet Trucks , even Farm Trucks when I was a kid.... Much utility in these lamps plus if you're old enough , they look uber cool . I was never a fan of the spot lamps mounted in the center of the truck cabs , that was a Utility Company thing so they could illuminate the overhead wires from anywhere on the street . They always leaked a bit .