That is the Kat's Meow, I need that set-up instead of the Herman Millers we have to live with at work. Thanks for sharing that photo.
That is cool! I think I have enough extra parts to build that, and an old bed to set upright and make a bookshelf. Trouble is, I'd probably sit there and make motor noise and squealing tire sounds all day.
cool I had an extra nose laying around that I was going to turn into a barbecue. It was VERY rotted or I would have done it. I still regret not doing it. That is one cool desk. Andy
one word... WOW Or, perhaps 3 words would sum it all up: most DEFINITELY SINGLE Now I must caveat that with the fact that I have truck parts in nearly every room in my house (door and fender in the master bedroom for a month), had the cab-on-chassis in the basement for a year, but it just doesn't compare with that level of..... committment (yeah, that's the word) I guess the difference is when I am done, all the parts will be OUTSIDE the house. still cool though!
Studebaker Yard Art? Well then, if under the roof is uncomfortable, how about a Stude with a waterfall bed located by the pond with some real duckies?
I kinda like the outside Stude art display also. Would an old engine hanging on a tree branch in the front yard qualify as yard art?
Wasn't that posted by one of our forum partners from across the pond, with the 41-46 chevy, being his or what he wanted to do with his back yard?