Hey All, Happy MOnday to you all. Throwing 1 mystery item at you and see if any of you know what its purpose was for. There is a hole just under the seat, which seems to have been part of the design of the cab. Any clue what this was for? To drain water? See link below to get a nice view of this mystery Image One (Mystery Hole): http://i1374.photobucket.com/albums/ag431/mockoski/ScreenShot2014-07-27at95950AM_zps69bf934c.png
Got any photos of your ride? Seems you have yet to be intro'd w/h photo's. Welcome aboard, enjoy the ride while here.
Thank you sir, See attached photo. Trying to restore our Families 1953 Chevy Pickup. Needs a little TLC
Welcome. Is that the original color? My G.M.C. was originally Yukon Yellow. I was surprised to learn that was an available color. Like your truck!
Im afraid not. I think it was a light blue originally. But when my father in law would paint the house over the last 40 years any extra paint would go to cover the truck.
Hole In Floor Pan When your truck was new , there was a brittle plastic (Bakelite maybe ?) plug in it that supported the seat adjuster rod so it didn't rattle so much . Folks naturally tossed things under the seat and snapped it off . Nice old Truck , I like the Vanity plate . You'd better address that rusty floor or your ' patina ' will soon become rusted away junk .
Hello Tubby, Here is a pic of the rear end.... Thanks guys for the posts.. Any shots of what the plastic/Bakelite support would have looked like? Best, James
I like that bumper ! . Step Bumpers are very nice , they can be made to look good to by de rusting and painting white or silver , other colors to match the paint . Your tail gate looks slightly sprung , it can easily be repaired or Mar-K has top quality new MADE IN AMERICA ones affordably . I once found a place that sold those supports and didn't buy one because my '49 was a work truck so I shoved all manner of crap under there and didn't want to waste the $6 (IIRC) for something I'd immediately break off again . Maybe Chevs Of The 40's ? .
San Francisco Bay Area.. Yes the tailgate has been trough some work, but some dents are meant to stay. Currently sanding the truck and going to repaint it, but there are somethings that have to stay. It was a work truck and don't want to mess with that history.
Bed Repairs Good Man ! . that's the American spirit that caused these fine trucks to be built in the first place . A word of caution : DO NOT pop rivet nor braze it or any part of the bed ! . Gas weld or buzz it but make sure you have deep penetration of those welds . My '49's bed had lots of small dents that were not repainted when it was re painted , I didn't mind because it was nice and shiny and I knew I'd be working it like a rented mule .
I have never seen the plug mentioned. Denney Graham, I believe made one for his truck. My theory is that it might have been put there to "tie up" the torque tube during the build process so that it could be a "roller" going down the assembly line before engine was installed. It is only theory but seems to line up and the "key" shape could have made for a quick release. Anyone else want to run with that theory and either help support or disprove it?
That's interesting, but I got to think they would have at least made a plug/grommet to seal the hole. Every other hole in the cab was covered, why not this one? James