1) Is the stock 0-30 lb oil pressure gauge okay for the 235 full pressure engine or do I need the 0-60? 2) Who sells a replacement 12 volt voltmeter to replace the Ampmeter? This was recommended in one of the forum tech tips 3) What color brown is on the inner bezel. Any one have a rattle can recommendation. 4) Is there any way to calibrate the temp gauge? Mine reads low when the bulb is placed in boiling water.
You can run the 0-30, it will just stay pegged. I don't know of a stock style replacement voltmeter. You can hold the mechanism still in the temp gauge, while twisting the needle nearer to actual temp, but never expect it to be quite right.
My guage stays pegged for the most part...but, when it is really hot and under lots of work...at idle it falls to a little above 15. It has done that for years. Actually, did not know the difference until recently, so never went through the worry. As far as temp...my son has one of those infared temp thingy things. I use it to get it verified to kinda close. It tells me kinda all sorts of info and I will run it through its motions every couple of months. I check the temp comparison, when and how the therm. is opening, exhaust differences, how much heat is getting to the intake, head temps and some other related stuff. What it all means? Who knows, but started doing it after a melt down of my head a year and a half ago in a traffic jam by San Anton. Took it around with me constantly for a few months because of related melt down activity popping up. I don't even know how much it costs, but seems like a handy thing. rod
voltmeter Check this out, it is what I will do to replace my ammeter in Penny. http://www.stovebolt.com/techtips/electrical/voltmeter/ Hope this helps,
ammeter to voltmeter THAT is a pretty cool tech article and something that I would definitely do if I was running an alternator.
You can use a oil pressure gauge out of a gmc. It has 0-60. Make shure you put a resistor in line with the fuel gauge it works fine.
Not a resistor, a Runtz voltage drop. lots of places have them. One place is http://www.fifthaveinternetgarage.com/parts/parts_counter_2.html