Sbc? Is that what I think it is shoehorned into that thing? Somebody has an overactive imagination and waaaay too much time on their hands. Seee? This is what I'm taking about. I'm trying to find a spare hour or two to build my dang hotrod and guys like Evan are doing things like this. Sheesh!! Andy
I agree with Andy. I like the single wheel turn they will usually turn on a dime and leave change. This one could be scary in a high speed curve. Hope the steering is REAL tight. Evan ever thought about a blower???? Papy
Evan joins the billions of other hot rodders who bail out to a SBC. Should put a flatty or maybe a Fireball 8 in it.
Yep, that's cool. Some old crusty GM factory aluminum valve covers would add to the "Am I seeing what I think I am seeing" factor. Is there anything that doesn't benefit from the power and cost effective SBC?
More power ! Yes , I'm seeing it now , 12/5 past mid night . Having operated many forklifts over the decades I know this is way over kill and would kill the operator in an eyeblink but still and all , it's cool , I agree some old Corvette rocker boxes would top it off very well . Many years ago I worked in the Mayor's Garage and it has a low ceiling , I wanted a forklift to haul 'round pallets of batteries and went junk digging , found a 193? forklift dead out back , was able to coax it into life and installed all new tires on it , tuned it up and put it to work . The mast went up maybe 10' and didn't have the multiple sections modern forklifts have so it worked fine , never hit the ceiling with it once . Vertical steering post between your knees , 6 volt flathead engine , you know the usual old junk I find and love so dearly . Turned out to have a TWO SPEED Brownie Box on it so in top gear high range , it went nearly 25 MPH and was too scary for the young 'uns to drive . I never had any troubles with it . Even has another sweet personal tool there .