My buddy bought a really clean all original 1941 with 216 (! 'peanut ' spark plugs !) and it's weeping oil out the rear main seal , he's asking if there isn't some modern neoprene or rubber rear main oil seal to replace the 216's rope typ one ? . I seem to recall someone mentioning thisd before . Brand , part # , who sells it etc. , will be greatly appreciated . TIA ,
Everything I've read says the NOS GM rope seal is the way to go, unless you machine the block to swap a different design in. Check ebay for NOS... meanwhile, I'll stay tuned for other ideas. and -- where are the PICS???
Thanx . A buddy who had a rubber seal installed when his engine was rebuilt , seems to like it but didn't keep the brand / part # .
Nate, All of the neoprene seal kits I know of are for the 235's, maybe 55 and up. There was a place called Beck's Machine and Tool in Santa Maria, California that could machine the block on a 41 and up 216 to take a modern seal. The groove in the block and cap is too deep on a 216 for the 235 type seal to work and remember this is coming from one that hasn't messed with a 216 in years and has an increasing case of brain fog.
Thanx ! . That sounds about right , I'll tell Greg , he won't be happy as I guess it means he'll need to yank the engine out of his '41 Coupe now .