I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. May we all enjoy a great new year. Hopefully our trucks will give us worry free pleasure. Keeping a positive attitude would be a good thing. Drive safe.
Right Back Atcha ! 'Tis the Season to remember the good things in life , Family , your Children and pets , if you're lucky enough to have a JOB , and of course , that battered old worthless pickup that's quietly rusting out side as you're slurping hot coffee and reading these messages . It was in the mid 60?'s to - day , I was up to my elbows in old dead 292 i6 engines and plastic crates full of rusty greasy parts..... Me so lucky ! .
Things to be grateful for I do not have any kids but I do have 2 rescued cats. Furry children. Of course they are not spoiled rotten, hehe. I am retired so no job to go to anymore and that's ok. Family is my wife and my 3 brothers. 58 apache in the garage and a 1980 Toyota 4x4 that I bought new in the car port. My to-do list is longer now that when I retired 2 years ago. It is nice to have things to keep you busy. Gerald in Florida
A Flying Fortress Sleigh Wishes to to you and yours for a happy, healthy and joyful Christmas.... and thanks for all the help and encouragement through out the year! Santa did some restorations of his own and is bringing out his new sleigh. The reindeer are finally going to enjoy their flight this year.
That's one big hat Bill! Sure she does... https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs...&fr=&fr2=piv-web&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001
Mrs Clause Somehow my mental image of Mrs Clause wasn't the same as the ones you posted. Never knew she looked so good. The elves would like looking up to her. And that has to be one of the biggest hats I ever seen. Keep on truckin'
I got a nice Christmas ' gift ' from the drunken / stoner @$$hats across the street from SWMBO's house ~ they bashed my car that was parked side ways in front of her garage 10' or more from the street . They've hit my vehicles a whole buncha times and never say ' sorry ' . What jerks . I like the pictures attached and the linky too ! .